Democratic Dummy Debate

Patriots did you see the idiots debate on 10/12/15. I’m telling you it was pure torture to watch these village idiots so call debate. What I observed is the rest of the field just chortled in behind the Queen Bee “Hitlery” Clinton.

Most notable in his chortling was Bernie Sanders when he stated “the American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damned e-mails”. Clinton nodding with her Cheshire Cat smile and acknowledged “me too”. You Tube. My statement about this situation is how about we get a prosecution, instead of a show trial.

Clinton obfuscation and evasion of all of her scandals is ”we just have to move on and get back to the work of the American people”. I know I heard a statement on these lines several times, where have we heard this garbage before. When deflecting criticism none other than Slick Willy (Bill Clinton) used to say this crap every time he got into trouble. Hillary is using the same old playbook sense it worked on the ill informed in the past. Well the ill informed public may indeed be less informed than in the 1990’s and if it worked then it will work now.

The next big point in the debate was Benghazi in which Hillary continued to attack the republicans for convening a special committee to investigate her ignorance, incompetence, basic failure of duty in regards to this incident; Hillary and Obama’s absolute role in the deaths of 4 American citizens. She mentioned a fellow collaborator Kevin McCarthy that stated the committee had a purely political purpose in trying to damage Clinton. That Kevin McCarthy is why we don’t want you for speaker of the house. She complained the committee had spent 4.5 million dollars of taxpayer money. Hey I’m pissed about that too, certainly we should be able to send her to prison for that kind of money.

Another point during the night was when Lincoln Chafee (another democrat toadie candidate) stated in regard to Hillary’s e-mails that “credibility is an issue” when running for the presidency. CNN correspondent Anderson Cooper asked if Hillary wished to respond? She stated an emphatic “NO”. The dummycrat audience just lapped it up like gravy. My response is, she couldn’t respond because she has no honor or credibility.

I could elaborate further but to put this ridiculous love fest on for Hillary, all of the other candidates with the possible exception of Jim Webb were just slobbering all over themselves to worship at her throne. They were all busy trying to see how much free stuff they could dole out to freeloaders and unsuspecting nitwits that vote for them. Let’s name a few :

  1. Free college tuition. You know I had to pay for my college education, it builds character and prevents students from becoming dependent adults, which is exactly what the democrats want to develop.
  2. Amnesty for illegal aliens. Obviously a horrible idea, they are doing this to develop a dependency society plus a voter base. We can cure their desire to give them amnesty by forbidding them from voting for 25 years.
  3. Instate tuition for illegals. What part of illegal do they not understand?
  4. Climate change. Don’t get me started on this load of crap, read Mark Stein’s book that debunks all of this garbage.
  5. More gun control. (refer to archives, last article was Oregon Muslim Shooter) The democrats do their best to violate the 2nd Amendment to the constitution after every single tragedy. I swear they are vultures sitting on a limb waiting for somebody to die so they can further their communist agenda. They kept saying we need common sense gun control. I have already stated the solution to the problem but they would rather drain the great lakes for a single cup of water. Their real purpose is to take our guns away so they have total control. The 2nd amendment is not about hunting ducks.
  6. Voting rights for illegals. We have already addressed this topic.
  7. More jobs. How the hell do you produce more jobs when you are bankrupting the businesses with additional taxes?
  8. Higher minimum wage. I’ve explained this in the past, it drives up the cost of virtually everything, how does that improve the economy, the answer it doesn’t it just sounds good to the ignorant and uninformed you know the lame brain press.
  9. Fix the infrastructure. Hey didn’t we spend a trillion dollars with Obama to fix the infrastructure. People really have a short memory. I didn’t see a darn thing fixed did you?
  10. Medicare
  11. Obamacare. We all know want kind of fiasco this mess is.

Overall the debate was about how much can we support the Hildabeast and watch her cackle like the witch from The Wizard of Oz. She does remind of the wizard in that she misdirects the American people saying don’t pay attention to that person behind the curtain. It was like torture to listen to them lie and promise more money to the people who vote for a living. Hey have you seen? We are close to 19 trillion dollars in national debt and at least 150 trillion in unfunded liabilities. How exactly do you pay for these programs when the economy is close to great depression status? What a village (It Takes A Village) of idiots.

How can there be a competition between 1 criminal plus 4 toadies against the republican candidates . I don’t see how it could even be close “if you only had a brain” and we didn’t live in bizarro world. I hope Americans wake up before the next election. We can’t survive another socialist so called leader.

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