Greetings fellow Patriots, of course you can guess the subject matter of this blog! I, have mentioned the problem with illegal immigration in most of my blogs but I will try to go a little more in depth on this subject matter. First of all, the cause of this crisis lies solely on the backs of the lying deceitful Democratic party and this current Anti-American administration, headed up by the most corrupt worst President in American history, none other than “Ole TRAITOR JOE BIDEN”! Why do I say Joe Biden is a Traitor, first and foremost he has sold out our country for the paltry sum of 30 million dollars, utilizing his drug addict son and his brother as go be tweens in an effort to give himself plausible deniability! Can you believe an American President would sell us out with political influence to the Communist Chinese! 

As of right now we have illegal aliens crossing our southern border unimpeded and with the help of the American taxpayers against our will, all the while our American Government is in debt some 34 trillion dollars. They don’t care how much money they spend, while they are printing fiat money at an unprecedented pace. Remember their goal is to bankrupt our country., institute martial law after the country goes into complete anarchy due to lawlessness with the help of state district Attorneys that allow these illegals out of jail without any prosecution or deportation. This is happening in all of the states across the country! There are a lot of examples of this travesty of justice all across our great nation! One recent example happened in Athens Georgia, where a young nursing student was bludgeoned to death at the hands of an illegal alien from Venezuela. The illegal alien was arrested in none other than the deep blue state of New York, he was arrested and let go without deportation and allowed to go to Georgia and ruthlessly killing a young American girl without provocation! These illegals are allowed to cross our borders illegally, violate the laws of the land and then are not prosecuted! The only thing Traitor Joe wants to do is try to outlaw assault weapons and try to take away law abiding American 2nd amendment rights so they can have complete control of the American people> This is just one their plans for complete takeover by taking away our ability to defend ourselves from theses wanton criminals! I hate to say this but this is part of the Democrats plan to institute socialism AKA communism!

Note fellow Patriots, there has been some at least 10 million aliens allowed to cross our borders, all the while giving these illegals bus tickets all across our nation, plus giving them cell phones and credit cards and supplying with places to live all at taxpayer’s expense. Also notice at least 80% of these illegals are military age males, why do you suppose this is the case. Also, some 25,000 illegals are coming from China and countries all across the globe that wish to do United States harm! Do you think communist China allows their citizens to migrate to the United States without dubious intentions in mind! Patriots, be prepared for terrorist attacks on our infrastructure prior to the next election! I am not a prophet but I can see the writing on the wall that tells me the current corrupt administration is behind this and absolutely has no plans on stopping this current INVASION, because they wish to stay in power at any cost, even if it means the destruction of our Great Country!

So, Patriots, we have to support the only person that can stop these devious politicians because he can’t be bought off, that person is President Donald J. Trump! They are using their corrupt judicial system to try and stop him; I have to commend President Trump in his fight against corrupt politicians and the equally corrupt judicial systems in all of our blue states and so-called sanctuary cities! Patriots join and help President Trump in his uphill battle against the forces of evil currently plaguing our country!


P.S.#1. Patriots, you might want to listen to a recent book I have been listening to on Audible, it is called The Dark Days Series by Ryan Schow, it tells of the occupation of the United States by the Communist Chinese and other countries after a corrupt President sells us out to the communists! It is very scary and depicts what our country will be like if we allow these scumbags to sell us out!!!!! Unfortunately, it sounds just like our current situation we are living through at this moment in history!

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