Greetings fellow American Patriots, I know it has been a while since I have written an article, but circumstances of living in Biden’s America have gotten the best of any spare time that I have. I am sure that a vast majority of you Patriots can sympathize with my dilemma. This article I will attempt to describe what voters will get when they vote for the Democrat party. I am just going off the cuff but I hope you can get a consensus of their overall agenda in their attempt to basically overthrow the culture and government of one of the best countries in World history.

Where should I start:

  1. First and foremost, almost all Democratic politicians absolutely Hate America, and a large percentage of their constituents feel the same. Case in point, Democrat politicians always side with enemies of our country and have even revealed classified secrets because their Ideology is more closely congruent with our nations enemies than they are with American Philosophy. How about Senator Edward Kennedy betraying our country when Ronald Reagan was President. More recently Senator Bernie Sanders spending his honeymoon in Moscow. Even more recently President Biden selling the United States out to Chinese Communist operatives and to Ukrainian diplomats through business deals using his son and brother as intermediaries! Check out Hunter Biden’s illicit laptop for undeniable proof! How can you sell out your own country to Communist operatives in an effort to enrich yourself, as far as I am concerned that is considered High Treason!
  2. Democrat politicians are indeed trying to collapse our economy, evidence of such President Biden has raised the National debt by 5 trillion dollars in the short time he has been in office! We are currently at 31 trillion dollars and climbing at an exponential rate with no end in sight! We are paying over 2 trillion dollars a year, just in interest fees per year! Just how long can we sustain such a debt without a complete financial collapse, they operate on the Modern Monetary Theory, in which they just print as much money without any concern for the consequences. Don’t you wish you could run your own business and just spend to infinity! Well guess what it doesn’t work for Government’s either! Does anybody know anything about history when Germany after the First World War and caused runaway inflation, where it took a wheelbarrow of German Marks to buy a loaf of bread, does this sound familiar to what is currently happening in the United States as we speak! That period of time was called the Weimar Republic in Germany between 1919-1933, look it up and that is when the Nazis came along (The National Socialist German Workers Party) and imposed martial law killing some 6 million Jews and other people they didn’t like, do you want this scenario played out in this country, remember we don’t have another country like the United States to pull us out of the fire!!!!
  3. Vote for Democrats and you will see RUNAWAY INFLATION like never before seen in American History! Right now, we are at the worst inflation period in some 40 years when Jimmy Carter was President, another Democrat President. This is truly just the beginning of this debacle, so hold onto your hats, if the Democrats win the midterm inflation will just get worse and the economy will likely collapse just like the Weimar Republic but believe it or not that is what they want.
  4. If you vote for Democrats, I hope you have a lot of money because energy prices are about to go through the roof! I am not a prophet, but I guarantee gas prices will be at least 5-6 dollars per gallon shortly after the midterms! The reason they came down some is because Biden in his infamous wisdom has been flooding the market with at least 1 million barrels of crude oil a day from our strategic oil reserves. That oil is there just in case we go to war or there is a national emergency! Although Biden might just get us into a war with Russia or China, that is a different story for a different day. He flooded the market because he had trashed the fossil fuel market right after he got into office. Namely the Keystone pipeline, which was scheduled to supply the United States with 100’s of millions of barrels of oil per year and he also shut down almost all domestic drilling leases, consequently the price of domestic oil and natural gas doubled and tripled basically overnight. Remember when Trump was President the cost of gas was under two dollars a gallon and we were the world’s largest exporter of energy! Now we are paying double because of his incompetence and his attempt to force us into using electric vehicles, which is a debacle in itself!
  5. Voting for Democrats will wreck the economy and electric cars will not help with environmental situation! Use your head, where does the majority of electricity come from. The answer is from fossil fuels, it doesn’t just magically appear in your wall sockets! Besides that, electric cars are actually more harmful to the environment than gas cars, because of strip mining and the toxic metabolites in the batteries themselves and they are difficult to recycle. Also how long do those batteries last, approximately 4-5 years, then you have to replace them at a cost of least 5000 dollars! Guess where almost all the rare earth minerals come from, well you guessed it they come from the communist Chinese, do you want to be beholding to our enemies for your batteries! Biden actually wants the Chinese to control us and has been making deals with the communist Chinese for many years in order to enrich his criminal empire, just look at the deals Hunter Biden has been (Hunter’s Laptop) making for years. One example electric car make zero sense, is the recent Hurricane down in Florida, if you had an electric car, you had no way to charge it with millions of people without electricity. Electric cars may possibly be in our future but we need much better technology and let the marketplace make that decision not a bunch of corrupt politicians!
  6. If you vote for Democrats get ready for crime to escalate to the point you will not even be able to go outside. Right now, almost all crimes have increased by at least 40% from murder, rapes carjackings, you name it any crime and it has went up. From defunding the police to letting criminals off Scott free by corrupt District Attorneys! Your families will not be safe until we get these lowlifes out of office! Most of these District Attorneys have been funded by none other than the infamous scum bag George Soros, his ultimate goal is to collapse the economy of the United States, believe it or not he has been declared an international terrorist by none other than Russia, even they don’t like him but he has been interfering with our national politics for a long time. Back to the escalating crime in Nuevo Yorko city, you can’t even ride the subway system for fear of being pushed in front of a train or beaten up. A EMT worker with 27 years of experience was recently killed by being stabbed to death in New York. Look at San Fransicko where Nasty Nazi Pelosi is a representative, the once pristine city is now a Pigsty, homeless people and Legal Illegals living on the streets, urinating and defecating everywhere and drug paraphernalia strewn all about. How about Chicago, they have 25-50 shootings every weekend because Democrats have defunded the police departments and prevent them from doing their jobs. Believe it or not this is what they want, if you vote for Democrats to collapse our society, so they can take control using the same playbook as Nazi Germany! Does anybody remember Biden in his address to the Nation where he was in front of the spooky red background and two Marines standing behind him, this wasn’t done by accident, I absolutely thought he was trying to be authoritarian (like Hitler) and show us what kind of badass he was! He is a Hitler Wannabe, he wants that kind of authority, and we as citizens need to deny him that authority through the ballot box in November!!!!!
  7. If you vote for Democrats, you agree with opening up our borders to floods of illegal aliens from every corner of the Earth. No other country on Earth allows people to flood their borders like the Democrats are allowing as we speak. Some 300 thousand per month plus the same number of got aways are coming over the border from some 140 other countries. A large percentage are criminals that have been let out of South American prisons as well as drug dealers and sex-traffickers. The Democrats have allocated your money to support these people by giving them cell phones, credit cards and lodging. Also aren’t we supposed to be in a Pandemic, none of these illegal aliens are tested for the Wuhan Flu or vaccinated before they are dispersed all over the United States. They have allocated s more than 80 billion of taxpayer money so they can get their votes so they can keep control, WHY ELSE WOULD THEY BE DOING THIS!!!
  8. Minorities that vote for Democrats, they are using you guys as pawns to further their evil agenda. They have been buying your votes since the 1960’s when that scumbag Democrat Lyndon B. Johnson ushered in THE GREAT SOCIETY, what a misnomer, he started giving out taxpayer money to people for not working to by their allegiance and their votes. They broke up the minority nuclear family, that is why there are so many single parent families in the minority community. I hate to break it to you guys, but they are not benevolent benefactors, they are controllers that want to get complete control of our society. A lot of Black-Americans don’t know that the Ku-Klux Clan were the Military arm of the Democrat party, now they are using the FBI as their henchmen! This is a long story and will have to be done at a different time, but know this, this party is not your friends, they are devious and have ulterior motives!

In conclusion fellow Patriots do your Patriotic duty, financially help the good candidates (NO RHINOS PLEASE), work at the voting centers, (don’t let them cheat again), recruit and inform people to the truth, use this article to try and persuade people and citizens we are fighting for our very lives! Remember Patriots, Democrats can’t Run a Country but they Can Ruin a Country, just look at the Democratically run big cities!! Don’t let people sit on their butts and not vote. VOTE PATRIOTS VOTE!!!!!!!


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