By now I am sure all of you Patriots and Patriettes have seen the story about United Airlines and their basic inability to get anything right in the recent past. First thing you have to remember, who is reporting the story, plus it is basically world- wide in scope. So we hear a couple of horror stories and equate that with reality, just keep that in mind before you go all GAGA on United Airlines!
The most egregious event happened on April 9, 2017 and happened on a United flight out of Chicago O’Hare airport to Louisville, Kentucky. The whole incident began after the flight had boarded all of their passengers. The airline first asked for volunteers and a nominal sum for passengers to catch a later flight so they could transport their employees for a flight out of Louisville the next morning. Well apparently that idea went over like a soup sandwich in a hurricane! Our passenger in question, Dr. David Dao is a physician that works in Louisville Kentucky, he was one of the unlucky (or lucky depends on your point of view) passengers who was randomly selected for debarking the aircraft.
Chinese social media accused United, which does a lot of business in China, of racism by targeting Dr. Dao who appears to be Asian (New York Times). Yeah, you think that name kind of gives it away. I had heard on Rush’s radio program that Dr. Dao was Vietnamese and the United incident so “traumatized him, “ that it was worse than when he was exiled from South Vietnam when the communists took over right after turncoat Walter (crankcase) Kronkite declared we had lost our second politically correct war (which was a complete lie but that is another story). You know I highly doubt that being drug off a plane because you didn’t want to give up your seat could compare to the communist North Vietnamese blowing your brains out because you want to live free and not under communist oppression, but I believe Dr. Dao was going for dramatic effect as he was calling his lawyer right when the security officers showed up (heard on Rush’s show). I do believe he was being obstinate and looking for a pay day but that still doesn’t excuse the ignorance of United Airlines!! Another holdover media nit-wit Tom (Brokejaw) Brokaw, known liberal liar, has a radio announcement throughout the day and he stated how much he disliked United Airlines, unfortunately that just makes me want to support them because the liberals want to put them out of business.
United Airlines chief executive Oscar Munoz apologized repeatedly about the incident. First he complained that Dr. Dao was belligerent and uncooperative. Well I tried to put myself in the same situation and I being a strong-willed type A personality, would have reacted in a similar fashion or possibly worse. If I had paid for a flight and I must be in a particular destination at a certain time and the airline demanded that I give up my seat for some menial compensation because I was randomly selected, well the fight is on Brother!! I noted as of April 17, 2017 United Airlines stock has taken a NOSE-DIVE so to speak and has declined some 57% because of this and more minor infractions (Fox News).
“ The last thing a paying airline passenger should expect is a physical altercation with law enforcement officers after boarding, especially one that could have likely been avoided,” the four top leaders of the Senate committee said in a letter on Tuesday, April 11, 2017 to Mr. Munoz (NY Times). If you have seen the media footage or have seen youtube videos of the incident, I am sure you would concur, this was a bad scene and bad publicity for United! Keep in mind I believe Dr. Dao instigated part of this by being belligerent and was indeed calling a lawyer at the time security guards showed up (heard audio on Rush’s show)! Nevertheless, even if Dr. Dao had intentions of getting wealthy by suing United, they should have been intelligent enough not to fall into that trap.
Just using common sense and I know it is a rare commodity and is hardly ever used anymore, just consider the ramifications of forcibly dragging a paying customer off of a plane just because he was randomly chosen. If you absolutely need those seats for your airline personnel, keep raising the ante until somebody takes the money and cordially bows out, not you are selected, we are going to drag you off of this plane kicking and screaming!! In retrospect it seems like an incredibly stupid business decision and I am sure they wished they could take a mulligan on that one, to say the least!! Hey Patriots don’t be too hard on them, you know like the Bible says those that are free of sin, should cast the first stone!! Above all don’t listen to the liberal press to make your decisions because in Native American vernacular “They Speak With Forked Tongue”!!! United needs to show some love!