Greetings fellow Patriots, I am absolutely sure you have heard about the assassination attempt on our beloved Presidential candidate Donald Trump! The event was a Presidential Campaign in Butler Pennsylvania held on Saturday July 13th. Trump had secret service protection that was recently cutback by Traitor Joe Biden, they also had local police protection at the rally. Trump took the stage at 6:05 pm and the assassination attempt occurred at 6:11 pm. The Assassin had climbed up on a roof with direct sight of the podium some 130-150 yards from the President.

The assassin had been spotted by numerous individuals in the crowd and was reported to the secret service and local police some 15-30 minutes prior to the assassination attempt! Certainly, service snipers were stationed under the assassin. Patriots, how in the world did this amateur assassin have a chance to get any shots off in the first place! There are two scenarios at play in this case, either this was complete incompetence, or it was deliberately botched by the directors of the security service. Granted I don’t wish to think the latter but there is some evidence that leans toward the latter. One example to add to the evidence that it was deliberately botched is the statement from the secret service sniper who was stationed on the roof behind President Trump, Jonathan Willis had called into command asking for permission to fire on the would-be assassin some 3 minutes prior to him shooting! Command refused to give the order to neutralize the assassin prior to him shooting at Trump, thus giving him a chance to kill President Trump! This was a complete dereliction of duty by the command structure, I don’t know who was giving commands to the sniper but the director of the secret service is directly responsible, her name is Kimberly Cheatle. She has been on numerous news channels trying to do damage control, where she stated she would not step down from her position! Congress should relieve her of her command post-haste! Also, the secret service sniper neutralized the would-be assassin when he began shooting but not before he got off some 7-9 shots thereby wounding President Trump and killing a Firefighter and wounding 2 others in the crowd! The secret service sniper was rewarded by being arrested for dis-obeying orders! ARE YOU BLEEPING KIDDING ME OR WHAT!!!!!!

There were so many errors that occurred in this situation it is hard to believe there is not something more ominous going on! How come there wasn’t a helicopter watching the rooftops some 150 yards from the podium, if the budget didn’t allow for helicopter patrols there should have been a 100-dollar drone to patrol the rally! Also, how come the would-be assassin was not accosted when local spectators reported it to the secret service! I would also like to know if this assassin was paid by scumbags like George Soros! I know this is a conspiracy theory of which I don’t normally indulge but our opposing party the Marxist-Democrats are pure evil incarnated and I wouldn’t put anything past these low-lives to retain power. After-all they impeached Donald Trump 2 times on bogus charges, tried to ruin his businesses, put him in court to defend himself against 34 felony accounts that were at best misdemeanor charges 7 years ago! Finding him guilty in a Kangaroo court in New York City with a bias judge that contributes to the Democrat party! I said in previous articles if they can’t get rid of Trump through conventional LAWFARE WARFARE they would try to assassinate him! Patriots, you make up your own mind with the evidence, but I would have to call it an extreme coincidence and there is no such thing as a coincidence!

Now, back to the title of this blog, evidence that Donald Trump is a true American Hero, this man has basically sacrificed everything and almost his very life to fight the extreme corruption that has infested our current government! From Traitor Joe Biden that has sold us out to our enemies to the deep state bureaucrats in the FBI, CIA and numerous other entities in our federal government! Donald Trump has sacrificed a good portion of his financial fortune, his family and his impeccable reputation, all to try and save this Great Nation! Donald Trump, in my opinion and the great majority of the American public is indeed a GREAT AMERICAN HERO! The Minuteman does not say that statement lightly, I would consider only two other politicians in that regard, those two are President Lincoln and George Washington! Pretty good company I would say! As for President Donald Trump, sir you are indeed a GREAT AMERICAN HERO and like you said after being shot in an assassination attempt, FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!!!!!!!!!! HOOAH!


P.S.# 1. I heard Don Jr. called President Trump after the assassination attempt and told him, “Dad You Are a Badass” and I personally would have to concur!

P.S.#2. I was speaking to a personal friend on Monday July 15th. He was a sniper in Vietnam. As I was talking to him, I noticed the ear lobe on his left ear looked partially separated and at an abrupt angle, I kind of wrote it off as it was just the way his ear was. I inquired what he thought about the assassination attempt on President Trump? He said President trump and him had something in common, “I said what”, he said we both had been shot through the ear. He said he had a AK47 round almost taking off the lobe of his left ear! I was astounded and I said that must be a pretty exclusive fraternity of people that have been shot through the ear!!!!! I told him I wanted to contact Don Jr. and arrange a meeting with President Trump, I am sure President Trump would love to meet him to exchange stories!

P.S.#3. Patriots, look at the above, now famous photograph of Donald Trump after he was shot, with his fist thrust up in the air with and an upside down flag in the background! Also the Secret Service officers piled up beneath what appears to be a flagstaff! Within seconds of seeing that iconic photo, I said to myself this is a frozen moment in time that may have been divinely inspired! That photo depicts "Trump's Iwo Jima" with the Secret Service acting as the marines and the upside down flag depicting our country in distress!!!! HOOAH!!!!

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