Good day fellow patriots, I guess you would have to hiding under a rock to have missed the media distortion of this case, this case reminds of the media distortion of the truth in the Covington school case with Nicholas Sandmann, where the lying communist media tried to convince the public that he was a Racist! Of course, they were lying as usual and he and his lawyer sued numerous media outlets for an undisclosed amount of money. The Rittenhouse case is similar in that they try to sway public opinion calling him a murderer in the Kenosha Wisconsin BLM riots where he was protecting numerous businesses and giving first aid to the injured residents.

When the Kenosha riots occurred following a case where an individual was killed after fighting with police, the perpetrator had pulled a knife and was shot during the incident, all the while the media distorted the incident thus giving the BLM an excuse to riot and destroy local businesses!  Kyle Rittenhouse had gone there where his father lived to protect aforementioned businesses. Kyle had taken a semi-auto AR15 as a weapon for said protection. The media branded this rifle as an assault weapon to further distort the caser against this young man. The case really was a cut and dried case of self-defense because the whole incident was recorded via numerous camera angles and could be seen on the internet. The media never eve n mentioned the video evidence during their obfuscation of the truth in this case. Kyle was assaulted by numerous rioters and had to use deadly force to save his own life!

This evidence was shown numerous times during the trial and some of the evidence was doctored in an effort to lay blame on this young man. Three perpetrators had assaulted Kyle during the skirmish where they chased Kyle and one of them hit him with a skateboard and Kyle was forced to use deadly force to prevent himself from being pummeled to death. Another portion of the skirmish another man had pointed a pistol at him where he was forced to shoot him in the biceps to prevent himself from being shot. Clearly the video evidence should have exonerated Kyle without the benefit of a trial but the media tried to distort the trial to try and get a murder conviction in this case. Kyle had attempted to turn himself into the police following the above incident, not exactly the thing a guilty man would do. The media has done their best to try Kyle without the benefit of a trial. Also, the BLM have threatened the jurors with a riot if they don’t get a murder sentence, not exactly how our judicial system is supposed to work, being threatened by a lawless mob!

These tactics are pure Communist propaganda and tactics and should not be allowed in a Free Country! My prediction for the trial should be an acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse on all charges if the jury pays attention to the video evidence! By the way all three of the individuals that were shot or killed were career criminals of which should have brought into evidence in this case because that is relevant in this case! Perhaps Kyle shouldn’t have been there but this case was clearly a self-defense case and should be viewed that way! The media wishes to make an example of Kyle so nobody would dare to defend their property against the Antifa and BLM rioters in the future! By the way all three perpetrators were white and the media wants the public to believe they were Black because it was the BLM doing the rioting! This shouldn’t make a difference but in the eyes of the Communist media it makes a difference! Patriots keep a close eye on the verdict in this case because the media wants to take our ability to defend ourselves in a self-defense situation! Don’t let the lying media coerce the verdict in the course of public opinion!


PS #1. Further evidence of jury intimidation was the idiot DA took the AR15 rifle and pointed it at the jury with his finger on the trigger, if I would have been a juror, I would have made the prosecutor point the rifle in a safe direction, this stunt was done right after the Alec Baldwin fiasco! This was an attempt to influence the jury pool into voting against Kyle Rittenhouse!

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