Greetings fellow Patriots, as you know Russia under the strict rule of Putin, a totalitarian ruler of a communist ruthless regime attacked its neighbor to the west just a few days after the end of the winter Olympics sponsored by the communist Chinese! The timing was crucial as the Chinese didn’t want the unprovoked attack on the sovereign country of Ukraine to interfere with Chinese’s Olympics, for political reasons! Hold on to your hats, fellow Patriots because the Chinese intend on attacking Taiwan in the near future, because they have absolutely no fear of our fearful leader, Taliban Joe Biden! That is exactly the reason Russia attacked the Ukraine, because they don’t fear Ol’ Sideshow Joe! Both communist countries have no fear of the United States under our current feckless regime of sellouts to both China and Russia!

Nevertheless, I will describe my plan as follows, we as American Patriots need to sponsor 300 ex-special soldiers that have a host of experience in Guerilla warfare, these operators include ex-green berets, rangers, delta-force and of course navy seals! We need to provide these special-forces operators with all of the provisions, necessary for victory against the con-scripted soldiers of the Russian army! The soldiers would be called “THE 300”, which is analogous to King Leonidas of the city state of Sparta, in the battle of Thermopylae! These brave Spartan soldiers fought overwhelming odds against the Persian Empire, some 1 million strong and set the stage to the world’s first democracy in the country of Greece!

Our “300” brave soldiers, need to be provisioned with the latest high-tech equipment, such as state of the art night vision equipment along with some atleast1500 -2000 additional pairs of equipment to provision the Freedom Fighters of the Ukrainian Army! This provides our soldiers with a force multiplier for the proposed guerrilla war. They should be supplied with at least 6 months of food supplies also. They should also have electric motorcycles, not because they green but because they are quiet and can’t be detected by the enemy! I think this is an ingenious plan to stealthily sneak up on the enemy! They will also need solar powered generators to supply electric power for their motorcycles as well as their communication equipment! They will also need at last 300 well trained military working dogs, that are trained for explosive detection as well as attacked trained to wreak havoc on the morale of enemy combatants! Just think about the psychological factor when these dogs sneak into an enemy encampment and rip their crotches out, leaving them to bleed out in agonizing pain! I know this sounds horrendous but this is war and you can’t do it in a delicate fashion!

Our “300” will also need state of the art weapon systems, such as Javelin missiles, stinger missiles and Law rockets! They will also need to be supplied with a whole host of small arms to engage the Russian enemy!

These “300” are force multipliers, who will provide victory in Ukraine using guerilla tactics, these soldiers will decimate the morale of the Russian fighters, somewhat analogous to our “War for Independence” against overwhelming odds when we fought the world’s most formidable army (British)! Believe me fellow Patriots, the Ukrainians are fighting for their very lives because they certainly remember what happened to them right after WW2, when they rogue leader of Russia, the infamous Joseph Stalin, starved to death some 16 million Ukrainians! They know what will happen to them if they lose, they are certainly motivated to win at all costs! BOOM SHOCKA LOCKA!


P.S. 1. Patriots notice this didn’t happen when Donald Trump was President! They waited for a weak feckless leader such as Taliban Joe to be President of the United States, this could actually lead to WW3, if we don’t help the Ukrainians and our government has no intention of helping because they are of the same mindset as the communist leaders of Russia and China!

P.S. 2. Patriots have you heard about Jussie Smollett’s outburst in court the other day, well he just threw a fit, proclaiming his innocence! Yeah, most Democrats think they can Lie and Cheat their way out of any circumstance, no matter how completely ludicrous! Jussie proclaimed two guys dressed in Red MAGA hats accosted him at 3 AM during a polar vortex storm! I actually wrote a story about it but didn’t publish it. I thought he had gotten away with his lies when Michelle Obama contacted the Chicago DA and had the charges dropped! Good Luck Jussie in prison you certainly deserve it! BOOM SHOCKA LOCKA!!!

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