Greetings fellow Patriots. This blog unfortunately is probably going to be short and sweet! I have too many things going on in my personal life to devote as much time as is necessary, so I am going to go with Ten Reasons not to vote for the most leftist (code word for Communist) candidate in American political history! Remember her voting record is worse than Senator Bernie Sanders. who is a registered communist! Let’s get started shall we.

1, I am listing these in the order of pertinence to the survival of this Great Nation, of which I am extremely proud to be a citizen. First and foremost, if you vote for Chameleon Kamala, you are guaranteeing this country will be in a World War with probably millions of casualties and probably the collapse of our society! Why would we be in a World War because our enemies know she is a weak leader and doesn’t care if we go down in flames, she has proven that in every aspect of her tenure in politics!

2. If you like inflation, the inflation rate is guaranteed to at least double, right now prices are 20-100% higher than when Trump was in office! Remember Kamala was the deciding vote for the so-called Inflation Reduction Act, which caused inflation rate to peak at 9%!  The Democrats title their bills as a façade to act like they are trying to help but in fact they have the opposite effect! That is done purposely to deceive the American people!

3. Next the crime rate will continue to rise because they handicap the police and prevent them from putting criminals in jail or even punishing them at all. The reason for this is to create maximum anarchy to make people demand a stop to the crime; they will do that when they enact martial law, create curfews, then and only then will there be strict and absolute control! This has been their plan from the beginning!

4. The borders will continue to be wide open; she has said recently she would close the borders on day one of her administration, that is just a blatant lie in an attempt to lie her way into office, if she gets in, she will continue to allow Illegal Aliens into our country because she intends on granting them amnesty so they will support the Democrats and keep them in power! She and Traitor Joe Biden have been using taxpayer money to provide transportation to anywhere in the United States and setting them up in 5-star hotels and giving them 5-6 thousand dollars a month to live off of. Also, she is using a billion dollars of FEMA money to finance them instead of helping American citizens with disaster relief from hurricanes Helene and Milton, it is unbelievable the gall of these un-American politicians! Also, fellow Patriots have you ever noticed the age range and sex of these Illegal Aliens, well it is about 80-90% military age males, they are letting in terrorists, rapists and murderers into our country at will and basically facilitating a standing ARMY!!!!!!!!!

5. Gas prices are currently down only because the Biden administration has sold off our strategic oil reserves. Leaving the United States without reserves in case of an emergency such as a World War, which we will be in if they win! They are only dropping prices because of the election, get ready for 5-8 dollars a gallon or even higher because they are trying to force us into electric vehicles to control us.

6. The next is related to number 5 but I put it in a category by itself. Kamala said she would support fracking but that is another lie just to get votes as she doesn’t intend to live up to that promise because she wants high gas prices to force us out of that market!

7. Kamala intends on instituting a MANDATORY GUN BUY BACK PROGRAM if she gets in. They the communists, progressives, democrats have zero respect for the constitution! They would use it for toilet paper if they had their way! Also, I have heard Hitlery and Tim Walz talking about taking out the first amendment also because they can’t control all of the speech. So, they want to get rid of both the first and second amendment, like I said before they are the very “EPITOME OF EVIL”!!! They want to make sure you have no way to fight them if you choose to resist! Did you see that idiot Tim Walz doing a video of him Pheasant hunting to show his connection to regular Americans. Well in the video Dumbass Walz has a semiautomatic shotgun in his hands and doesn’t even know how to load the shotgun, Give Me A Freaking Break, what a to total idiot and he is ex-military, what an embarrassment and their typical façade!

8. How about those so-called progressives and their hate for Jews or antisemitism! Patriots this is basically Germany 1939, just a replay. Democrats are kowtowing to the squad and letting Pro Hamas protestors at all of the so-called Ivy league schools, chanting hate slogans like “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”. So, boys and girls, what does that innocuous chant mean, well it means KILL ALL OF THE JEWS IN ISRAEL and the world for that matter! They really, really hate Jewish people and support everybody that want to kill them. For instance, Kamala was bragging about sending aid to Gaza, I believe it to be 157 million dollars to Gaza and who controls Gaza, Hezbollah terrorists. They, meaning Kamala and Traitor Joe want to send 750 dollars to Hurricane Helene survivors but send 157 million to terrorists and going on TV and bragging about it! Why in the HELL would Jewish people vote or support these scumbags! I have no Freaking Idea!!

9. Patriots, do you like high taxes, of course not so why would anybody vote for these Yahoos that take your hard-earned money and using it to support our enemies, finance terrorists (ex. Iran) and buy off illegals and others to keep them in power! So basically, you give them your money to facilitate your own demise! The democrats are doing it to themselves also except they just don’t realize what they are doing! Like I have said in the past “I Don’t Mind You Shooting Holes In The Bottom Of Your Boat, But Your Shooting Holes In The Bottom Of My Boat” and we all will sink together! Trump is planning on lowering everybody’s taxes!!! Also, he said he would knock energy prices in half in less than a year!

10.Last but not least, Kamala wants to sanction the Federal Government to pay for sex change operations for convicted criminals and illegal aliens, yes fellow patriots you read that right, can you believe this crap or what! Hey, I don’t care if you want to change your sex but wait until you are an adult and PAY FOR IT YOURSELF, it is not part of government purview to waste our money on crap like this, after all we are almost 40 trillion dollars in debt as we speak. You can’t keep flushing our money down the toilet without repercussions. Also, kamala is a proponent of allowing biological men to compete against biological women (notice that never goes the other direction). Do you think it is fair for a biological male to box a biological female. Well, it just happened during the summer Olympics in Paris France 2024. The female boxer had to throw in the towel in less than 1 round. If I was the parent of that female athlete, I would have tried to disqualify the biological male from competing against female athletes!!! Kamala and her cronies think that is a good idea, Yeah, right says nobody!!!!!

In conclusion, there are 10 reasons right off the top of my head why nobody should vote for Commie Chameleon, don’t count on that because there are a lot of people actually believe her lies, so Patriots get out there and vote to save our country from the corrupt communists! Remember Democrats “RUIN THE COUNTRY NOT RUN THE COUNTRY”!!!!!!!!!!


P.S.#1. So, Patriots, get off of your butts and work in local precincts, drive somebody to the polls, encourage all of your acquaintances to vote. Those people in North Carolina, help your neighbors in the aftermath of hurricane Helene and also help them get to the polls, we need every single vote, don’t let the Democrats cheat and win, we need overwhelming votes so they can’t cheat.

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