Taliban Joe, “Make the Taliban Great Again”

Greetings, fellow Patriots, well a good deal has happened since my last Blog! Can you believe the carnage these Anti-Americans have done to our Great Nation! Here is the deal, if you elect the Enemy of your country to be in political power, you have to expect these types of results! I know we didn’t elect these Devils and I know they cheated their way into power, nevertheless we as Americans have to endure the consequences! Unless they are thrown out or elected out, this is the kind of Sh*t we will have to put up with!

Totally amazing, what has happened over the last month or so. Look at the worse of the worse, The Afghanistan Debacle, give me a Fricking break will you, if we had elected the head of the Taliban as our President, we couldn’t have gotten worse results! Good God, this damn disaster, couldn’t have been planned to turn out any worse, hence that is what happened. Our idiot (brain- addled) figurehead, El Presidente’ had planned on this disaster the whole time! His goal, just like anybody who is the Enemy of this country, would plan such a disaster, it would embarrass our Nation, forego all of our traditions, such as “Never Leave an American Behind “and abandon our promises to our Afghanistan brethren that helped us during the War! These worthless Devils have no soul and could care less about our reputation because they actually hate our country! They do have alliance to our enemies the Communist Chinese, that will benefit from this disaster in Afghanistan! How do the Chinese benefit, the ally with the Taliban, then they have mines to dig Rare-Earth minerals in Afghanistan, that are being used for electrical batteries! Our government is so far up Chinese Government’s ass it is ridiculous, they are planning on helping the Communist Chinese against their own country! Why, do you think we didn’t want this corrupt old fool as the President! Our fears have manifested themselves in a major way! Now we have to depend on Special Forces groups to rescue our fellow citizens as well as our Afghanistan brethren! Numerous private citizen groups are attempting to help American citizens left behind and Afghanistan helpers, one such group is the Nazarene fund founded by Glenn Beck is one fund that has gotten many people out without the help of the State Department or even despite the State Department! Look up the Nazarene Fund and contribute to their cause!

Next order of business are the Communist collaborators in our government! The number one asshole is that piece of crap 4-star Zero General Mark Milley, what a piece of work! He was on President Trump’s cabinet and was in the background collaborating against him. Should have seen that after the photo-op deal when he apologized for walking with Trump! Trump should have fired his Traitorous ass then! If the story in Woodward’s book is correct (and he has not denied it) he needs to be tried in a tribunal for Treason (what a creep, his new monikers are as follows, Traitorous Mark Milley, Benedict Arnold Mark Milley, Treasonous Mark Milley, Tory Mark Milley Vanillie, Chinese Collaborator Mark Milley etc.,) I hope when Donald Trump gets back into office, we can prosecute this worthless Communist Collaborator! He should be executed as a lesson to the next Communist sympathizer!

It totally amazes me, that a portion of our military, swallows any of this Woke shit, this is Communism 101! It amazes me that any- body could believe even a little portion of this crap, hey, read a fricking book show me one country where any of these ideologies have actually worked! They don’t work for anybody except for the hierarchies! They live in absolute splendor while the populace live in squalor! These countries have walls to keep their people in with machine guns, our country has a wall to keep people out and you must apply to be let in! That one fact should deter almost anybody from voting in socialism but people are ignorant and lazy and don’t want to research these Ideologies! Remember Socialism is just Communism with lipstick! Or Socialism is like feeding a hungry gorilla and expecting to getting a bite of the banana and expecting not to be mauled, not going to happen!

Crime in the country, getting better or worse? Obviously, it is getting worse due to the politics of the Marxists, they defund the police and let the criminals go if they are arrested, Give Me A Freaking Break, what dunderhead ever thought such a policy would work, believe or not they knew it wouldn’t work that is why they instigated these policies, that is why they instigate all of these policies, because when they don’t work, they want more money. Look at Chicago, more shootings every weekend and also more fatalities. You know more children have been killed in Chicago in the last year than Covid 19 has killed Nationwide! Why does anybody vote these scumbags in, the answer is because they buy the votes of the uninformed!  We work for a living they vote for a living! Name me one policy the Marxists have installed that prevents crime; I know that is an impossible question!

How about the economy, real improvement huh? The economy has collapsed at least 20-30% all prices are up, has your paycheck went up? Well, with all of the reckless spending don’t expect prices to get better now or ever, they are borrowing money we don’t have and spending it on crap we don’t need (IE Climate Change are you kidding me?). The consequences of such irresponsible spending are runaway inflation, even if spending stopped right now it would take a while for the economy to rebound. But don’t look for the Marxists to cut back on spending other people’s money any time soon! So, we are anticipating runaway inflation at least till we can vote these creep’s out of office! Are your wages going up as the same rate as the inflation, I think not. So, get ready to budget your expenses for the next three years!

 So, Patriots you need to buckle down the hatches and prepare for a rough ride over the next three years because even when you think it can’t get any worse it will! For instance, that nationwide mandate to get vaccinated that Taliban Joe signed in without congressional approval, if you don’t get vaccinated you can’t buy, sell or trade or travel. Where have we heard of this crap before, I will tell you it was about 60-70 years ago? Give up? You are just going to have to look it up. You might know another source that is much older but you will have to be moderately religious to get this question correct!


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