Patriots don’t you lose your ever-loving mind watching these punks from Anti-Fa and all of the other liberal/progressives rioting with the slightest bit of provocation. Most cases are completely bogus and this case follows suit. Anthony Lamar Smith and our fine upstanding citizens that all of these riots revolve around, are similar to the other cases the BLM and Anti-Fa people find a reason to riot about. For instance Michael Brown in the Ferguson riots; the police officer was clearly proven innocent by mostly Black witnesses, but the liberals/progressive (Regressives) don’t care about the facts. They would rather operate off of propaganda/lies and to Hell with the facts! I wrote an article about Michael Brown check the archives. Anyway it was a bogus case but the rioting occurred anyway. Tell me what gives them the right to destroy property indiscriminately without any repercussions? Remember the Mayor that restricted the police from interfering with the rioters and gave them a safe place to riot in, I said yeah let them go to her neighborhood and riot. Eric Greitens, Republican governor of Missouri, had suggestions by the leftist communists to let the rioters to have a safe place to riot. He stated he would give them a safe place in JAIL, that illustrates the difference in philosophies of the liberals and conservatives, obviously the liberals are clearly anti-American and insane in the brain!!

The rioters are protesting the acquittal of a white police officer (Jason Stockley) for the shooting in 2011 of known drug dealer and thug Anthony Lamar Smith, incidentally Smith was black. As far as I am concerned ethnicity has no bearing on the case but the liberals are always concerned with it because they want to divide all Americans by ethnicity, color, creed or religion. I read from a local station in St. Louis News 4, KMOV article that Anthony Lamar Smith had a long RAP sheet of crimes from dealing drugs and was also convicted of firearms possession in the commission of a crime. He had served 14 months in prison and was out on parole 7 months to the day he was shot and killed. Not exactly a fine upstanding citizen, plus on the day he was shot he had rammed officer Stockley’s police cruiser 2 times with his car and sped off in a highspeed chase (up to 80mph) followed by a crash and a ensuing struggle with officer Stockley through the window of Smith’s car, officer Stockley stepped back and shot our fine upstanding (undeserving) citizen. So, this guy is the reason why they are rioting in St. Louis, GIVE ME FREAKING BREAK!!!

So BLM (Black Lies Matter) and Anti-Fa have good reason to riot, destroy businesses, burn police cars and pelt police officers with rocks and bottles, Yeah Right! Now for the solution for these dirtballs, first of all whoever shows up in a mask will be arrested post-haste. The second cure you Patriots are going to love, I thought of this on my recent trip out West, while driving we kept going through stink-clouds of SKUNK ESSENCE. I thought that would be perfect for rioters. This is how the police should handle it, through a megaphone, all rioters shall cease, desist and disperse, “THIS IS YOUR FINAL WARNING OR YOU WILL BE SPRAYED WITH SKUNK SPRAY”. Let me tell you after they are sprayed once it will be the last time they want to be sprayed, plus it identifies to the rest of the community who the stinking rioters are. You could also put skunk spray in paintballs for non-lethal deterrents!!! BOO-YAH!!!


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