Greetings Fellow Patriots, you may be wondering what the Minuteman is referring to in the aforementioned title. Well, do you know who the so-called President of the United States is?  Yeah, you guessed it, it is none other than Sideshow Joe the Whitehouse Clown!!! So, what are the exploits and latest disasters of this Whitehouse Clown. If you haven’t had your head firmly placed under a rock, you know what the headlines have been all this last week!

I am referring to the Chinese spy balloon that has been traversing across our nation all this last week! First of all, the Chinese spy balloon started in the Aleutian Islands on the coast of Alaska! Tell me pray tell, why in the HELL didn’t this bunch of Chinese Collaborators (referring to the Biden administration and the Pentagon) didn’t shoot down the balloon when it first entered American Air Space! What, are the Aleutian Islands too heavily populated (volcanic islands) or are they afraid they may kill a seal with the fallout from the crash! Well, Patriots this is just the beginning of this sordid tale of gross incompetence and collaboration with our sworn geopolitical communist enemies!

So, the Chinese spy balloon traveled down the western seaboard of Canada, then it was sighted by civilians over Montana, I think if the balloon had not been sighted by civilian sources, I believe our corrupt government would have kept it under their hats and left us in the dark, so to speak!  Well, supposedly our Commander and Chief “Joe The Clown” ordered the spy balloon to be shot down over Montana! That order didn’t fly because the Pentagon under the direction of General Millie Vanillie of “The Afghanistan Withdrawal Debacle” fame, said that the balloon couldn’t be shot down over Montana because debris might fall on a cow!! Give me a Freaking Break, Montana is one of the least populated states in the Union!!! Sounds like a sorry excuse for not shooting down our enemy’s spy balloon! This spy balloon was sending back military intelligence back to China of our military bases all the way down the central portion of the United States over Montana, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri etc. All the way to South Carolina, where they eventually shot it down 50 miles off the coast, in the Atlantic Ocean! Now they will have a hell of a hard time picking up any evidence of what our enemies were using the spy balloon for in gathering military intelligence against our country!

This whole scenario stinks to high Heaven, any leader with any American Patriotism would have shot down this Chinese spy Balloon over the Aleutian Islands, right when it entered our air space! So our Clown and Chief, I say our current regime of Clowns have basically colluded with our sworn communist enemies and have delivered valuable military intelligence to them on a silver platter! So I say in conclusion, the Democrats have “Sent In The Clowns” that might be instrumental in the demise of our Great Country!!! We as Patriots, must vote this bunch of Clowns out of office before it is too late!!


P.S.#1. Tell me fellow Patriots, do you think President Trump would have allowed this Chinese spy balloon to cross the United States? I know he wouldn’t have; this is what you get when you have a dithering old Clown running the show!!

image: Copyright: © rubysheila -

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