Run On The Banks?

A quest blog by Patriot Alex Hamilton

As you may know the Federal Reserve announced on June 15, 2016 that they are delaying interest rate increases again.That might sound good to some people, but to people that save, it is a disaster. For over 5 years now saving money is fruitless. People that saved money for retirement with the hope of being able to live on their interest are just being told, “That’s tough; figure another way”.

You would need 2 million dollars in savings today in order to get over $20,000 per year in interest. How many retired people have 2 million dollars?

Otherwise you will have to spend your principal and eventually that may run out. Unless you just go ahead and die.

There is only one tool “we the people” have in order to get the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates so that banks will have to raise the interest they pay to people that save. That tool is to “create a run on the banks”.

People need to pull their money out of the banks and put it in a safe place in your home. Be sure to keep enough ammunition for your weapons, just in case.

If you have lots of money in the bank, just never take out more than $7,000 at a time. Only take out $7,000 about once a week.

You will lose nothing by taking it out of the bank. The $7,000 you take out today will only pay you about $50 over the next 12 months and that is not worth the effort of supporting the banks. That is all you are doing by leaving your money in the banks. You are supporting the banks at your loss. Believe me they make a whole lot more than $50 on your $7,000 in 12 months.

Maybe, just maybe, if enough people start withdrawing money from the banks, it will prompt the banks to begin to pay more interest. When they pay more interest, you can put some money back in.

Please email all your friends about taking their money out of the banks. If we can get enough people making a “run on the banks”, we may just get interest on savings back where they should be.

Don’t forget to put about 10% of your money into gold and silver for long term protection while you are at it.

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