Patriots, you might be wondering what in the world I am talking about. Well, I am talking about none other than our esteemed Florida congresswoman Frederica Wilson. I personally didn’t come up with the Rodeo Clown moniker, I heard it on the David Webb show on the Patriot channel 125 sirius XM radio. I thought the title was very appropriate for cowboy hat wearing, flamboyant (ALL HAT NO CATTLE) congresswoman Wilson. I am sure you have heard about her attacking President Trump after he called the Gold Star widow of fallen Green Beret soldier Sgt. La David Johnson. She stated President Trump was very callous when he spoke to the widow. I personally have listened on one recorded account of President Trump calling another Gold Star wife and what I heard was very cordial and polite as I would expect. I believe Mrs. Johnson was very fragile at the time of the call, as should be expected and might have misinterpreted President Trump’s intent. As far as Ms. Wilson listening in on such a personal call, I find it reprehensible, all she is doing is making Political Hay (fits with the cowboy hat) of a very personal, private and sacred situation!! How dare her, this is analogous to Hitlery tweeting about suppressors at 7:03 am after the biggest mass shooting in US history (that seems odd to me in itself)! It seems Democrats have absolutely no sense of Honor or decorum, plus they hate everything that is sacred or good about this country!!

Chief of Staff, Marine Corps General Kelly was the individual that helped coach President Trump about calling Gold Star families and he told the President, that he would advise against calling the families because it was such a difficult thing to do. Even with this advice the President insisted on carrying out this Herculean Task. I personally would hate to do such a job and find it highly commendable that he would do it. After General Kelly’s coaching President Trump called all of the soldier’s families that were killed in Niger, without a problem except in this case.

I will try to the best of my knowledge to describe the situation that happened to these 4 Green Berets in Niger, Africa on October 4th, 2017. The aforementioned green berets were part of a 12 member team that was doing missions in Niger at the time of the ambush. It seems this was a routine mission and the team had no forewarning of an impending attack. The team was on their way back to their vehicles when a 50 strong unit of scumbag ISIS terrorists attacked prior to them getting into their vehicles. As you can imagine the whole incident turned into complete chaos. With our soldiers returning fire and being dispersed without unit cohesion in THE FOG OF WAR. During the skirmish is when our heroes were killed, Staff Sgt. Bryan Black, Staff Sgt. Jeremiah Johnson, Staff Sgt. Dustin Wright, and the last to be found Sgt. La David Johnson. Congresswoman Frederica Johnson asked why it took 48 hrs. to find Sgt. La David Johnson after the battle. Anyway, from what I have found out, our soldiers never left the field and searched battlefield and along with French and Nigerian forces searched diligently to find Sgt. La David Johnson’s body at least a mile from the initial battle site (this is where dogs could have helped in the search). I am having to fill in some gaps here but this is my assumption of what probably happened. During the ambush our soldiers were in disarray and got split up and Sgt. La David Johnson was wounded or captured by the scumbag terrorists and drug off and murdered by ISIS fighters (that is how He was separated from the unit). To have Ms. Wilson insinuate Sgt. La David Johnson was abandoned by his unit because he was Black is a slap in the face of our military!! Does the above scenario sound like they abandoned this soldier, I will answer with an unequivocal NO!!  It pisses me off as well as other veterans or patriots to hear such unabashed accusations!!! These men and women will do anything to protect and defend their brethren in arms and to accuse this unit of abandoning Sgt. La David Johnson because he was black is so ludicrous it is unfathomable. Those soldiers only see one color and it is American Green and they bleed Red, White and Blue!!

These Democrats/progressives(regressives)/communists always find fault in everything our country does or our military does and I am personally sick of it! Let us quit attending NFL games and those that don’t pay homage to the National Anthem or our beloved flag. Let us as Patriots vote out idiot insulting politicians like Frederica Wilson, not just socialist/Democrats but also our herd of Rino republicans!! BOOYAH, HIT THE ROAD JACK, or in this case JILL!!!  We need to get rid of this Rodeo Clown and revoke her self- proclaimed “Rock Star status”.


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