Republican Debate Boulder Colorado

Patriots I’m sure you saw the republican debate in Colorado on 11/1/15 on CNBC. Reporters from both sides, conservative and liberal minded news organization seem to agree: the CNBC republican presidential debate was kind of a train wreck. That wasn’t because of the candidates, though-it was because of moderators at CNBC, Becky Quick, John Harwood and Carl Quintanilla. (Think Progressive) These moderators were trying to spoon feed the candidates toxic questions and were hoping for a poisonous sound-bite they could use to destroy any or all of the candidates. Fortunately our candidates are at least 10 times smarter than the moderators and immediately called them out on their bias. The moderators continually would try to entice candidates to attack one another and in some instances they fell for the bait. But as a general rule most of the candidates shut the moderators down.

The first rattle out of the box Becky Quick (quick to attack) asked each candidate what their major weakness was. Most candidates fended off such loaded questions well. John Harwood asked Donald Trump since his poll numbers seem to be falling, maybe because he acts like a comic book character ( the gist of the question). Trump never cowers away from an attack so when pressed he hammered Harwood with a response that his question was nastily phrased. The whole debate was about trying to discredit or disavow each candidate but each one answered concisely and definitively without missing a beat. I thought it was quite comical how Ted Cruz (Damn the torpedoes), Chris Christie, Ben Carson (killing them softly), Carly Fiorina (CEO Attackicus), and Donald Trump (Donaldus Trumpicus) hammered the media. This is reminiscent of how Ronald Reagan aka (Ronaldus Magnus) used to blast the liberal press, I love it!!

We as good patriotic Americans are sick of the liberal (lame brain media) with their condescending remarks without even a rebuttal from our side. Case in point our last 2 moderate (liberal) so called republican candidates Mitt Romney and John (give up the ship) McCain tucked their tails between their legs every time a liberal politician or press lackey attacked them. Fortunately our current candidates seem to be made out of better stock, these candidates are not the sleeping dogs (moderates) of the past, These Big Dogs Have Teeth and They Will BITE!!!

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