R-E-S-P-E-C-T !!!

YES, that is all we want as Patriotic citizens of this country “IS A LITTLE RESPECT”, and all we get is a line of crap. I borrowed a line from Arethra Franklin’s hit song R-E-S-P-E-C-T. I thought it to be appropriate viewing and listening to all of the horseshit spewing out of mostly lame- brain news sources and the NFL games!! OH MY GOSH, ESPN (Ellicit(sp) Sports Nonsense) CBS (Communist Broadcasting System) and NBC (Nothing But Communists) to name a few are saying the NFL are mounting protests for equality and against police brutality by kneeling during the National Anthem! Well to us Patriots it just looks like what it is, DISRESPECTING our National symbol and our National song. I don’t care how you spin or lie about it that is exactly what is happening!!

This all started with our favorite Communist sympathizer, Fidel Castro and Che’ Gueverra supporter none other than Colin (can’t stand) Kaepernick. CAN I HAVE A ROUND OF APPLAUSE PLEASE, no applause, well if we were in a Communist Hell-Hole like Cuba you would be shot for such insolence!! I believe his grievance started because he wasn’t a starter and he wanted to bring attention to himself in the name of so-called social injustice, which is code speak for communist talking points! I believe he was seen wearing anti-police socks plus pro Castro and Che’ Gueverra shirts.

The NFL has decided to back the play of this socialist-communist sympathizer, and now well over 200 hundred players decided to take a knee when the National anthem was being played. I thought Jerry Jones of “America’s Team” The Dallas Cowboys was taking a stand when he stated that he would not tolerate any of his players disrespecting the flag or National Anthem (I Know this is not a direct quote, just the gist of it). Well I watched in eager anticipation of what would transpire and to say the least I was resoundingly disappointed. Jerry Jones, the coaches and the players came out on the field, took a knee prior to the National Anthem being played (TO THE BOOS OF THE CROWD), then stood during the Anthem with arms interlinked, this is a complete Cop-Out (never-mind the pun here), it is also a way to support social injustice and not support our country, in other words it is a subtle thumb to the eyes of Patriotic Americans (IE Passive Aggression, which leftists are masters of)!!

I was extremely proud of Alejandro Villanueva a Pittsburgh Steeler lineman, who also spent three tours in Afghanistan as an Army Ranger, this guy is 6’9” and 320 pounds of macho man. He came out and put his hand over his heart during the national Anthem while the rest of the team was in the tunnel. I was so proud that a military veteran would show his respect for the flag and the anthem and buck peer pressure from his teammates. That feeling of pride was extinguished to a large degree because Alejandro recanted to a degree to support his teammates, part of that I understand but I wish he would have stood ARMY STRONG! Anyway, I still have a great deal of respect for his stance and will buy one of his shirts in tribute to his stance, I believe he still has more intestinal fortitude than anybody else in the NFL, it takes guts to stand up for what you believe when everybody else is capitulating!

I watched the Packer/Bears game last night with expressed desire to see how the crowd reacted and what the players did, I believe the leftists think they have it all figured out, they don’t have to pay respect to the flag or the anthem if they lock arms and stand, they say they are showing unity but in reality, it is a charade and they are attempting to DIVIDE THE COUNTRY! Do not fall for their trap, and even after Aaron Rodgers asked the fans to stand and join arms, most of the fans refused and saluted or placed their hands over their hearts, HOOAH, BOOM-SHOCKA-LOCKA, give the American public KUDOS for common sense!! These PLAYERS are being PLAYED by the leftist/liberal/communists and don’t even know it. The liberals are trying to shut down the NFL with all of their clap-trap about concussions and how violent the sport is. Now the Players are going to be instrumental in their own demise, without them even being aware of it! This is the scenario; The players don’t RESPECT the FLAG OR ANTHEM, the fans say to heck with you spoiled rotten unappreciative cry-babies that won’t even pay their RESPECTS to the people that keep them safe and fought and died in our countries conflicts all so they could become rich and play a GAME! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? PATRIOTS boycott these cry-babies certainly until they show some R-E-S-P-E-C-T and get a grip to what the socialists want to do to their game, they will be unemployed if the(socialists) get their way!


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