
you probably have heard about our exemplary leader going to China for the G-20 summit to discuss world affairs. Well the Chinese were not that impressed with our El Presidente’. When Obama arrived on the tarmac, the Chinese wouldn’t even roll out a staircase to his plane, let alone a red-carpeted staircase that is customary for foreign dignitaries. They rolled out the red-carpet for all of the other foreign leaders (to include Vladimir Putin, Russia). When Obama arrived he sheepishly exited out of the ass-end of Air-Force One (Guardian News).

Another problem that arose was our press corps was relegated to certain spots in the airport according to the Chinese officials. They stated that they wanted to do the press conference like they do in the United States. That led to a screaming match, where the Chinese officials told the Press-Corps in no uncertain terms, this is our country, this is our airport and you will do as you are told. Let me tell you the liberals don’t know how to act when these authoritarian communist countries make them toe the line. Our spoiled-rotten media needs to have their hands slapped and learn how to act in polite society, especially in a foreign country where you should show respect.

Back to our Capitulator and Chief, Obama was totally shamed and embarrassed (normally I would be embarrassed for our country) but in this case our shameless President deserves everything he gets!! “These things do not happen by mistake”. ”You know you are not that special to us” the China officials said to and about Obama (The Guardian Times). Believe me Obama is not that special to the American people either, certainly not to the majority of Americans!!! Personally, I think he is, Bar-None, the worst American President of all time!!!!

That is why we have deemed him the “American Paper Tiger”, he is real tough and a total jerk to US but capitulates and apologizes to other world leaders (such as Russia, Iran, and Laos recently) as a general rule (which makes US sick). No wonder no world leader has any respect whatsoever for our PAPER TIGER as he deserves no respect!! You may have heard the Philippine President Duerte called Obama “the Son of a Whore” obviously not my words just a quote (Daily Mail). I have never heard anything like that in my life, just shows the lack of respect he commands from the rest of the world! We simply have to get a leader that commands respect like our Candidate Donald Trump. I bet he wouldn’t be treated with such disrespect; a true leader expects RESPECT and receives it!!! I heard Trump talking about modernizing our military on Rush today, Can’t wait for a real leader, VOTE TRUMP!!!


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