Patriots, it appears the stupid liberals think they can outsmart us with their perceived pseudo-intelligence. They are trying to play fast and loose with their coverage of last Thursday’s game between the Carolina Panthers and the Philadelphia Eagles. This looked to be a good match-up with both teams with a 4-1 record.

My main reason for tuning into the game was because I wanted to see how the players acted when the National Anthem was played. I have not been watching the NFL because of the boycott and will cease and desist from any viewing until the players start respecting the Flag and our National Anthem. Well the liberal media think they are going to Out-Fox us, so to speak. I recorded the game that played on the CBS affiliate on 10/12/17, Thursday Night Football. I didn’t want to watch the game just the National Anthem. CBS, thought they were going to be slick and show the Honor Guard and then go directly to their commentators, Tony Romo and some other Bozo and we wouldn’t notice that the next scene was the kick-off. Au-Contaire Pierre (not sure on sp), we are not going to be fooled by the foolish!!! So now they think if the liberal media skips the Anthem we will not notice and the whole situation will be forgotten. Until the spoiled rotten cry-babies start respecting the flag, I hope all Patriotic Americans will quit supporting the NFL. I like sports as well as most Americans but I will not be insulted by the lack of respect these athletes show for our country, our soldiers and our first responders that sacrifice continually and some make the ultimate sacrifice, so these athletes can make millions of dollars playing a game!!! Last time I heard anyone of these athletes can quit and go home and protest all they want. In fact they can quit and move to any place they want to live. If you can’t respect the country’s flag and it’s Anthem move to a socialist country and you will soon see what oppression really is! Let me make a few suggestions, how about Cuba the communist paradise. The mean monthly income is about 25 dollars a month Not quite as much as ya’ll are making at present but a small sacrifice to live in a communist paradise where all the people are so happy and there is no oppression.Iif somebody says there is oppression, they will be summarily executed!! How about the oil rich country of Venezuela, where Hugo Chavez took over as a socialist dictator. By the way he was good friends with our esteemed ex El-Presidente’ Barack Hussein Obama and all of the liberal actors in Hollyweird. Hugo, may he rest in peace, took the country with the world’s richest oil reserves, turned it into a communistic/dictator state and completely collapsed the economy. They have a new dictator now (Maduro), that is practicing the same policies and the whole country has collapsed into riots, blackouts and starvation.

My main point is, most of the grievances these athletes think they are protesting about are based on false accounts hyperbole made up and distributed by the liberal/lying press. They don’t realize they are falling into the liberal’s trap and they will be instrumental in their own demise. The liberals main goal is to cause the demasculinization and destruction of the whole nation and getting rid of the NFL, would be wonderful to them!! These bogus protests are turning of all Patriotic Americans and if the athletes think they can do without our support they might soon find out. I see receipts to the NFL have fallen 30-40 percent and will continue to fall if this situation is not rectified. A note to the liberal media don’t think your cheap parlor tricks and shell-games are going to fool us, you are sadly mistaken, BOOYAH!!!


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