Good day fellow Patriots, what is the Minuteman up to in this blog? Well, I will attempt to prophesize future events based on our completely incompetent current government headed up by the worse than incompetent figurehead known as Sleepy, Creepy, Sideshow, No Mo Slo Mo Joe! I used Nostradammit predictions because you will probably not like most of these predictions but may help us cope with the excrement storm that is very likely heading our way! Some of these predictions have already happened and I was not able to put them to paper.

  1. Our incompetent, brain addled so-called President Sideshow Joe, is at present completely fouling up the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, this is a pretty easy prophecy because everything this current regime has touched has turned into a giant excrement sandwich!! Ol’ Sideshow Joe said about 5 and half weeks ago that the withdrawal from Afghanistan would proceed in an orderly fashion and in no way end up like the fiasco that happened at the end of the Vietnam War with loyal Vietnamese citizens being plucked off the top of the American Embassy! Well, currently this inane and insane withdrawal is stacking up to be worse than the Vietnamese withdrawal if that is possible! I have seen on Fox News that the tarmac is being overrun with Afghanistan citizens trying to hang onto the landing gears of transport planes while they take off, ultimately resulting in these desperate souls falling to their deaths as the planes took off! Yeah, Ol’ Sideshow Joe doesn’t have a clue about evacuating the refugees from Afghanistan. Also, his regime is not letting the loyal patrons that helped us in the war against terrorism apply for citizenship so they will be killed by the Taliban when they take complete control! The new definition of the word incompetent should feature a portrait of Joe Biden!
  2. Watch for runaway inflation for the next 3 and a half years, prices of everything from milk to toilet paper have already gone up some 30% since these boobs have taken over only 7 months ago! I predict prices of almost all our everyday items will go up at least 50% before we can vote these Marxists out of office!
  3.  Watch for the price of petroleum products (IE, Gas and Diesel) to top 4-5 dollars a gallon and I consider that to be a modest prediction. Remember Biden cancelled the Keystone pipeline, which is the most economical way to transport petroleum! He also allowed the Russians to open a gas pipeline into Europe thus controlling gas into Europe. He is now asking OPEC countries to up their production of petroleum (our enemies) in an effort to bring prices down. Remember President Trump had already made the United States completely energy self-sufficient before he left office! President Biden is the polar opposite of King Midas of which everything he touched turned to Gold, well I will officially deem Ol’ Sideshow Joe King Judas, because everything he touches turns to CRAP, and he betrays our country at every turn!!
  4. Let us talk about our favorite subject in the whole world, yes Patriots you guessed it the dreaded Wuhan Flu or if you want to be politically correct Covid 19. We are already seeing what kind of crap the Marxists are going to start throwing at us. First of all, you didn’t need to wear a mask then you had to wear 3 of them, if you got vaccinated you would be declared free and didn’t have to wear a mask. Now it seems even if you are vaccinated you still have to social distance plus wear a mask because you can pass the virus asymptomatically! Now the Marxists say you have to get a booster shot every 8 months! Those stupid cloth masks are completely ineffective against a virus, one Doctor said it correctly even wearing a medical grade mask, was like stopping mosquitoes by putting up a chain-link fence! Well, the Marxists are planning locking us all down again with their scare tactics, especially when it is close to the mid-term elections and the Presidential elections! It worked so well for them last time by stealing the elections with mail-in ballots! Patriots we must contact your local State Attorney General and make sure we have a truly fair election this next time or all will be lost!
  5. Crime in the streets, the Marxists are already defunding the local police force in an effort to cause complete chaos! Their real goal is to get rid of local police and replace them with National Police under their direct control! Just read your history books, that is what Adolph Hitler did in Germany, as did Stalin in Russia etc. All totalitarian governments use the same game plan and it isn’t pretty!
  6. Another prophecy that isn’t much of stretch, since we have the weakest leader of all time (AKA Sideshow Joe) you can bet your bottom dollar that the Communist Chinese are going to invade Taiwan and take over without even firing a shot!

So fellow Patriots, grab hold of your arse, we are in for some tumultuous times, and we have to show some grit by fighting these American Marxists in our own backyards, remember during the Revolutionary war it only took 3% of US to defeat the world’s largest Military! Also, we are all American Patriots and together if we stand UNITED, we cannot be Defeated!!! HOOAH!


P.S.#1. Patriots did you hear that the recognized leader of the Taliban in Afghanistan is none other than one of the Generals (there were 5 in total) that the United States 2nd worse El Presidente’ (Barack Hussein Obama) released in exchange for an American Deserter Scumbag Beau Bergdahl! Talk about the chickens come home to roost! This is the kind of crap you get when you put in an America Hating Marxist as Commander in Chief. Unfortunately, our figurehead leader (King Judas) is actually worse than Obama!

P.S.#2. I need to put in a prediction about the non-existent border, some 212,000 Legal Illegals (my Term) flooded over the border last month, perhaps the most in American history! It is predicted some 2 million will get in this year because we have King Judas as our incompetent leader, I know I bring this up all the time but we are living in a TRUE IDIOCRACY! Sideshow Joe sends these Covid infected (20%) Legal Illegals all over the interior of the Continental United States with EBT cards in hand, I am told with 8000 dollars to pay their way. Just think you pay taxes so King Judas can give to Legal Illegals so they can vote for more Democrat/Marxist politicians! My prediction King Judas will cause chaos in the streets with no crime control, he will Bankrupt the economy and try to turn us into the New Venezuela if we as American Patriots don’t stop him!!!

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