Greetings fellow Patriots, I wanted to wish all of the true America loving Patriots a very Merry Christmas and to remember the reason for the season, no not the secular commercialism of the season but the real, reason why we should be celebrating Christmas is to recognize our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Also, we all should be praying for beleaguered country that is in great peril as we speak!

Back to the news of the day, we should address the biggest Jackass (not elephant) in the room, that no doubt is our so-called President Ol, Slow-Mo Joe Biden himself! He is indeed the Grinch that stole Christmas with his idiotic and deliberate way he is systematically destroying the greatest nation that has ever existed on planet Earth! First off by recklessly spending taxpayer money with no end in sight, this spending has put us into a 31 trillion-dollar debt with a 1 trillion-dollar debt per year just to service that overwhelming debt! All of the countries that followed this ridiculous spending plan were pushed into hyperinflation and went bankrupt. We are currently on that path of destruction, we are experiencing the highest level of inflation in over 40 years, the last period was under a Democratic President namely President Jimmy Carter! The only reason we survived that last debacle is because President Ronald Reagan came into office! Our only hope to rescue this country is to vote this current regime of scoundrels and criminals out of office! The current regime has allied themselves with all of the communist-socialist governments around the world!

Look at the one of the biggest problems we are facing to our sovereignty is the open southern border, Biden, he is currently doing away with title 42 which prevents illegal aliens that are sick with Covid from entering our country! Biden is lifting this requirement, so a flood of illegals is streaming across the open border at a rate of 8-10 thousand a day! They then are given government credit cards to the tune of 3500 dollars per person along with cell phones and transported and dispersed across our nation! The Dummycrats are then going to give these illegal freeloaders amnesty and citizenship so they can keep these scumbag socialist communists in perpetual power! This is their plan to take over our country, if we as Patriots do not stop them by political means!

Our best hope to stop their evil plan is to correct the illicit illegal voting apparatus and make the useful idiots (a term coined by the communists, who keep them in power) understand they are voting themselves into perpetual servitude! Patriots unite and vote in true conservative leaders like President Trump, Governor Ron DeSantis etc. into office!!! Don’t give up hope, please pray for our country and Have a Merry Christmas and pray for a leader that is strong-willed enough to defeat these domestic enemies of our Free Country!


P.S. #1. Patriots, keep an eye on the scumbags in Washington, they are trying to pass a ridiculous 1.7 TRILLION-dollar spending plan! The Demon -Crats, are proposing a 4155-page spending bill, they put out in the middle of the night, congress is supposed to vote on it without even reading this spending disaster! The Demon-Crats are attempting to bankrupt our nation with the help of establishment RINOS!!! Patriots, please call Washington and voice your objection, and vote out the scumbags that vote for this BANKRUPTING SPENDING FIASCO!!!!!

  • I do NOT own rights to cover image "Grinch who stole Christmas". Image is available for purchase @

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