Merry Christmas fellow Patriots, are you bleeping kidding me or what, one year with this Village Idiot steering our collective ship off of Niagara Falls is like living in a rerun of Groundhog Day!!! This year has felt like 1000 years in Purgatory, we are in Hell and we must escape by any means possible, hopefully Americans will be disgusted enough to throw these Demon Rats (Democrats) out of office and into jail where they truly belong! They are nothing more than organized criminals and should be tried as traitors to this Nation and thrown in the deepest darkest hole under a prison somewhere! Basically, the Biden’s are just an organized criminal organization just like then Clinton’s were, just more cognitively disadvantaged (basically a crooked idiot)! Do you know what brain-dead twit said a couple of days ago, he said the Demon Rats are going to win big in 2022 and the Republicans better watch out, and he is so stupid that he tells all of the Democrat secrets and doesn’t even know he is doing it! For instance, He said and I quote” IT DOESN’T MATTER HOW MANY VOTES YOU GET, IT MATTERS WHO COUNTS THE VOTES” I do believe we experienced that this last election, I certainly hope our basically incompetent side of cowards are fixing this situation or we are going to end with another bunch immoral, crooked, thieves RUINING OUR NATION!!! YOU KNOW THE TITLE TO ONE OF MY PARODIES, “DEMOCRATS, LIARS, CHEATS AND THIEVES” set to the tune of Cher’s song Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves, that description fits them also! BOOM SHOCKA LOCKA!!!

How have y’all liked this past year of wanton destruction of our Great Nation, the worst inflation in over 40 years, I heard on Fox News this AM, some reporter said it is the worst since the Reagan Administration, are they really supposed to be on our side or the Communists by filing false and ambiguous reports! The correct story should have said this the worst inflation since another Democratic Idiot (whoops that is an Oxymoron) IE President Jimmy Carter ruined the economy in the late 70’s, if don’t believe me read a book or look it up on your device you are holding in your hand!!So fellow Patriot’s don’t believe anything that you hear especially from the Communist News Nitwits!! BOOM SHOCKA LOCKA!!! Not only inflation the cost of fuel, heating oil, food the basic cost of living has doubled since “STUPERMAN” flew into power! How do you like him now, Mr. Poopy Pants (defecated his pants at the Vatican,” Mr. Gasbag farting uncontrollably at the climate conference in Glasgow Scotland! This is our “Mighty Leader’, he might be yours but this Anti-American criminal fool sure is not my President!! He is the American Paper Tiger, laughing stock of the whole world and now we have no respect from any of our allies or our enemies! Our enemies and our allies give him NO RESPECT and neither shall I, nor any self-respecting Patriotic American!!!!!!!!!

Excuse me I kind of got lost talking about the WORST President the United States has ever had, and that is saying a lot because we have some real Wieners mostly Jackasses, but we have had a few on our side of the fence, I do believe they are called “Rhinos” and just like Pinocchio their Rhino horn starts growing when they lie, which is when their lips are moving, HA-HA, Ho-Ho!!!

Let’s get back to the rest of the blog, shall we? Patriots how do you like all of the crime in the streets, the criminals perpetrate their crimes on law-abiding citizens with reckless abandon and when they are caught the George Soros sponsored District Attorney lets them out on a “No Cash Bail”!! Patriots “Do You Love It a Lot or What”? We basically have white collared criminals running (Ruining) our judicial system, Like I have said before “The Inmates Are Running the Asylum”!!!!

Patriots you always say “But What Can WE Do”? Well, you can do plenty, get up off your ass first, run for office, support a truly conservative candidate like Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, Kristi Noem, Herschel Walker, Etc.! If you don’t like who is running run yourself, you don’t have to be a politician or lawyer to run, I know it is hard to get an honest Lawyer to run, if you know what I mean!! BOOM SHOCKA LOCKA!!! Patriots don’t wait for your country to be destroyed before you act, it is like closing the proverbial barn door after the Horses have left! One Last Thing, “Have A Merry, Merry Christmas fellow patriots!!


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