Greetings fellow Patriots, I have been too busy to write this blog, so unfortunately the wildfire that virtually consumed Lahaina Hawaii in Maui on August 8, 2023, is old news. I feel I have a different perspective on this particular incident that you probably haven’t seen from any other news source! First of all, the title is like usual for me a play on words, instead of Mahi- Mahi the fish, I came up with Maui-Maui to put a bit of a spin on the title of the blog, it is kind of a catchy phrase on this horrendous event that destroyed this Hawaiian paradise and killed so many American citizens in the process. The last reported number of dead that I heard on Fox News was 114 certified dead and over 1000 people missing!

When the so-called El Presidente’ of the United States (Taliban Joe) finally visited the distraught city to express his condolences over the catastrophic loss of life in the beleaguered city! Instead of expressing his sorrow to the Hawaiian residents, he related that he had experienced a similar incident in his own life, when his kitchen of his mansion was destroyed by a lightning strike some fifteen years ago, he said he could relate to their loss because he almost lost his cat and almost burned up his beloved Corvette in that fire! Can you believe this blithering idiot could think his little kitchen fire could somehow relate to the sorrow these Hawaiian residents had just endured! GIVE ME A FRICKING BREAK, how completely ridiculous was this statement, just when we thought this bumbling idiot couldn’t surpass his past Faux Pas, OOPS, HE DID IT AGAIN! The last time and they have been numerous, when he planted his foot in his mouth, when he was speaking to the Gold Star families of the absolute debacle where 13 service-people lost their lives in the withdrawal of American forces from Afghanistan, some 2 years hence! Ol’ Taliban Joe, I guess he tried to relate his own experience when his son Beau Biden died of brain cancer while in the service. He told these family that Beau Biden died in Iraq during the war, of course he lied to these family members, like he could relate to the loss of their loved ones! Of course, he didn’t tell them it was all his fault because of his gross incompetence in executing the most ridiculous withdrawal of forces in American history! Refer to my blog two years ago, entitled Taliban Joe, for a complete rendition of that catastrophic debacle! If President Trump would have been in charge that disaster would have never happened!!!

So, what really happened to cause these catastrophic fires, I say it was complete incompetence or something even more sinister that caused this loss of life. One explanation was a storm that knocked down electrical poles with their transformers thus igniting grass lands and strong winds from a hurricane that pushed the fires into the city, which is plausible. Of course, the incompetent Hawaiian government could have averted this disaster if they had controlled burns to nullify that threat prior to this catastrophe! I know this is a conspiracy theory that could have caused these fires, I have seen numerous accounts that these fires were caused by a Directed Energy Weapon that ignited the whole city into an inferno. Note from photographs of the destroyed city, all the blue cars and even blue umbrellas were not destroyed by the inferno. That seems awfully strange to this observer, it seems the Directed Energy Weapon does not burn the blue objects because of the wavelength of light it puts out! That is not the only thing that is quite odd, the Hawaiian Police had roadblocks on the roads out of town and turned the residents around to be consequentially engulfed by the raging inferno! Many of the survivors disregarded the roadblocks to escape! Why in the world would they turn these American citizens around to die in such a horrific manner!

Something else you might not have heard about, it seems Oprah Winfrey and that scumbag Bill Gates approached the survivors in an effort to buy up the land that had been destroyed at FIRE SALE PRICES, so to speak! Can you believe the callousness of these so-called elite liberal pukes trying to capitalize on the misfortune of these distraught Hawaiian residents! I also heard that Oprah Winfrey has a plantation close to the city and her place was unharmed! Quite a coincidence if you ask me, and you know there is no such thing as a coincidence! I also heard the Hawaiian government had plans some two years ago to make an experimental city in the place of Lahaina, A so-called fifteen-minute city (Smart City) the communists have plans for all over America. If you don’t know what that is, look it up!

In conclusion, fellow Patriots we need to vote the Democrat leaders out of office before they destroy the whole fabric of our beloved country before it is too late, the so-called elitists that wish to control us all! The first thing we need to do is get rid of this tyrannical, traitorous leader, namely TALIBAN JOE!!!!


P.S. # 1. Currently there are wildfires all over the nation and most of them are linked to the construction of so-called Smart City’s, look it up , there are wildfires in Washington state, Oregon, New Mexico and Florida etc. Also, the same plan is being implemented in several other countries!

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