Good Day fellow Patriots, I wanted to get a little away from politics but as you know the Marxist Media have no desire to allow us to watch a television program without putting some Marxist Propaganda in the middle of it to subtly convince it’s viewers that Socialism/Communism is the best thing since sliced bread! Of course, it is not but people that don’t know History are fully aboard because they too lazy to look up the History of Socialism/Communism! I have defined Socialism in past articles as Socialism is Communism with Lipstick, and inevitably Socialism leads to full blown Communism in which the Evil Totalitarian State gains complete control of the populace! Of which most Socialists will never admit it but they are all LIARS! So don’t believe your Lying Eyes and believe these Socialist leaders! It is easy to recognize when you watch Totalitarian Blue States like Californication and Nuevo Yorko with complete Lock-Downs during the Covid 19 so called Pandemic! Other States such as Florida have better stats without Lock-Downs despite the Marxist Media’s attempts to convince you otherwise with falsified stats!

One particular television program of which I speak happened on October 24, 2021, this program was NCIS Los Angeles, the following is a brief scenario that happened in the program, the opening scenes is a fire fight between the ATF and a gang of German arms dealers, during the fire fight the ATF were gunned down by the arms dealers and 7 ATF agents were killed before our heroes from the NCIS agents could provide backup!  The next scene the NCIS agents were at headquarters discussing and investigating the case. The Admiral who heads up the NCIS played by Gerald McRaney stated that a decorated General by the name of General Rollins was involved in the purchase of these illegal weapons from the German arms dealer. The Admiral said he wanted to meet with General Rollins (who was running for Senator from Arizona) and he wanted to take LL Cool J (agent Hanna) with him to speak with General Rollins because he wanted to meet with former military as a way to convince the General not to purchase these illegal arms from the arms dealer. As they were speaking prior to the meeting they described the General as a Right Winger (a dirty word according to the Marxists). Anyway, the Admiral and were going to meet the General and the Admiral told LL Cool J to be cool and not upset the General. LL Cool J stated should he wear a Make Arizona Great hat so he wouldn’t upset the General. The General was going to buy the illegal arms and give them to a Right- Wing White Supremacist group known as Sons of Our Fathers who were going to guard the Arizona border to prevent Legal Illegals from crossing the border! The end of the program showed our hero NCIS agents arresting the arms dealers and General Rollins for trafficking in illegal arms. My point being why in the world would General Rollins but illegal arms to give to the Sons of Our Fathers group when he could just purchase legal weapons at a cheaper rate and it wouldn’t be illegal? This program makes absolutely no sense whatsoever and brands the so-called Right-Wingers as Enemies of the State! This is an attempt by the Marxist Media to make white people as Pariahs that should be hated by the people of the United States! This is a blatant attempt by the media to ostracize segments of our population so they can be systematically eliminated from society! This is exactly what Hitler did in Germany to the Jews and other people prior to and during WW2! The Marxist use the same tactics over and over because they are effective and because young people don’t know history!

The aforementioned program is just one of many that I have watched and was appalled by the blatant dishonesty of the Marxist Media establishment in an attempt to take over the minds of the gullible in or society and convert the United States into a Marxist society! Believe me they are indeed conniving, deceitful, evil individuals and we must as American Citizens be forever vigilant to prevent them from destroying this Great Country from within! Please contact and support your local, State and National politicians to prevent this takeover because this is as real as it gets!


PS# 1. I see Ol’ Taliban Joe intends on passing legislation to give Legal Illegals with children (theirs or not) that were separated during the Trump administration 450 thousand dollars apiece for up to 1 million per family for their inconvenience! Are you fricking kidding me or what, the government only gives families of fallen American soldiers 4 hundred thousand dollars to the Gold Star families! This is a slap in the face of all Patriotic Americans! By the way most of that money will go to the Mexican Cartels!

PS# 2. The only White Supremacist group that I am aware of is the Ku Klux Klan and they certainly don’t have a clue! Did you know who started the Ku Klux Klan none other than our favorite political party, the Democrats (AKA Progressives, Marxists, Communists etc.). You know they don’t publicize it but they were and still are the true Racists but they practice Projectionism where they accuse everybody else for what they do to distract attention from themselves, they still do this at present and unfortunately very good at it! So, if you are looking for White Supremacist groups look at the Democratic party!!!!!

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