Patriots, everybody has heard about the worst mass shooting in American history, it happened on Sunday October 1st, 2017. The venue was the 91st Harvest festival in Las Vegas, Nevada just across the street from the Mandalay Bay hotel (this comes to play in just a minute). Apparently, the festival was a Country music concert and the featured artist at the time of the fiasco was Country music All-Star Jason Aldean. I reviewed the grainy footage of the incident and saw Jason playing when shots rang out, I am sure nobody knew what was happening at first and may have thought it was fire-works, but Jason figured it out in a hurry and made a speedy retreat off stage.

After Jason Aldean left the stage the absolute chaos ensued with automatic gun-fire pinning down the crowd of 22,000 concert goers. Nobody in the crowd knew where the gunfire was originating from and total chaos and despair froze the crowd in a crippling panic state. Some people ran for cover while others just huddled on the ground trying to figure out their next move. People were being hit by the automatic rifle-fire while others were trying to attend to their wounds and as usual the First-Responders were running to the sound of the shots instead of away!!! It definitely takes intestinal fortitude to rush into a fire or a shooting when everybody else is running away from said danger!! I will take this time to commend our Heroic First-Responders for their Bravery and Dedication!!

One reason it took a while to figure out where the gun-fire was coming from is because the deranged assassin was on the 34th floor (I also heard 32nd floor) of the Mandalay Bay hotel. Also, the reverberations (echoing effect) from surrounding buildings and structures rendered localizing the source of gun-fire much more difficult. The assassin’s name was Stephen Paddock, 64 from Mesquite, Nevada (I will not repeat this scumbag’s name again to further his publicity, from now on he will be known as assassin or scumbag) he brought 23 guns up to the room and had checked into the room on the Thursday prior to the massacre. Another interesting fact is the assassin sent his girlfriend Marilou Dunley to the Philippines to see her relatives just before the shooting and sent her 100,000 dollars, not sure where he got the money, you know follow the money. I would also like to know what his voting records are, we already know he targeted country music venue so it makes me suspicious he did this heinous act for political purposes (ie, country music fans are generally conservatives and the killer knew that). The assassin also staged his room with rifles spread all over the place, to make photos of the room over the top with 23 guns randomly scattered! Another Red flag. Ole Hitlery could not even wait until the next day before she twittered at 7:03 am “Imagine the deaths if the shooter had a silencer, which the NRA wants to make easier to get”. Did she have prior knowledge or did she just get up early and decided to be the most insensitive MORON on the planet? She doesn’t care the victims are probably still on the street and bleeding and parents and relatives are just hearing about their loved ones, all she cares about is she wants to make political hay on the backs of fallen Americans, HOW CALLOUS can you get!! She also has nary a clue about suppressors (not silencers), if you put a suppressor on an automatic (or modified automatic in this case) the sustained fire will blow the guts out of the suppressor in probably 50-60 rounds and will not function as a suppressor anymore. She is a political idiot and her whole role in life is to make the USA a socialist/communist hell-hole that she wishes to be in control of. THANK GOD she is not President!!!!!!

To sum up this horrible day in the history of the US, 58 people died (not 59 as I don’t include the scumbag) and more than 500 were wounded. No stupid law would have changed the outcome of this Heinous act of violence. Just like I saw on FoxNews and Dan Bongino was being interviewed,” how do you stop such acts of violence, he stated you just can’t legislate EVIL”. I do concur, don’t let the liberals convince you that more of their stupid laws would have prevented this deplorable act. Only Good People with Guns Can Stop Bad People with Guns!! Our most sincere Condolences to the families of the fallen victims and our best wishes to all of the wounded victims!!


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