Greetings fellow patriots, it took me a little while to get to this subject, as I have a lot of responsibilities to take care of. Patriots, I am sure y’all have heard of all the hoopla about Dylan Mulvaney’s advertisement for Budweiser Lite beer! Well, l I have a little bit of a different take on his ridiculous commercial. I think Dylan’s theme song should be Shania Twains song, “Man I Feel Like a Woman”! I think that is a very appropriate song for his advertisement! I also think Budweiser should change their moniker from the “King of Beers” to a more descriptive slogan “The Queen Of Beers”! I see that Budweiser has shot themselves in the proverbial foot with this ridiculous advertising campaign! Budweiser has absolutely gone bonkers with their “WOKE” advertising! may be the next giant corporation to go broke with their Communist/Socialist agenda! Apparently, their advertising executives don’t have a clue who their target audience is, I really doubt that the small percentage of Trans/Gay people in the world even drink Budweiser Lite beer! So apparently Budweiser even knows their target consumers and it shows in their bottom line of revenue stream, with Budweiser losing over 26% of their revenue since this ridiculous commercial came out, some 8 billion dollars have been lost due to their “Wokeness”! Personally, I hope the boycott continues, and it wouldn’t bother me if they went broke! Maybe this fiasco will teach other corporations to stay the Hell out of politics!  I am sick of giant corporations forcing their political agendas down our collective throats, like Disney, Nike and a slew of other corporations! I think Patriots should boycott all of these “WOKE” corporations!

In other news, Patriots I am sure you have heard about Title 42, that is going to expire on May 11th, and virtually let hordes of Illegal immigrants into our once sovereign country! Title 42 allowed the Border Patrol to at least turn away the sick illegals, with the Wuhan Flu and other illnesses at the border! Currently Ol’ Slow Mo Joe Biden has allowed some 7 million illegals into our country, all the while making the drug cartels some 25 billion dollars a year and costing the American citizens untold billions of dollars! Every illegal gets a free cell phone and a credit card courtesy of our corrupt government for 3500 dollars! ARE YOU FRICKING KIDDING ME OR WHAT! They then ship them at taxpayer expense all over the country in an attempt to ruin our already fragile economy and control the next election by giving them the right to vote for their sorry asses!!! I heard Eric Adams the Mayor of Nuevo Yorko say he cannot handle the influx of illegals that have been pouring into New York, it costs those idiots 5 million dollars a day to pay for these illegals in just one Democratically run city! What is the total cost these illegals are costing the American Taxpayers, billions and billions of taxpayer money!  In fact, you pay taxes to this corrupt government to facilitate the demise of our country! You know our national debt is hovering around 32 trillion dollars, just paying the interest on the national debt is more than the expense of our national defense budget! ARE YOU KIDDING ME OR WHAT! These corrupt Democrats work on the Modern Monetary Theory, where they print an infinite amount of money with nothing backing the US dollar, thus fueling unending inflation in an effort to collapse our whole economy. They then will declare martial law and attempt to put us in full blown communism!

So, Patriots, we must locally try to take over city and state governments and get into national politics and make sure you get all of friends to vote because this next Presidential election is probably the most important election in American history! The Democrats are currently trying to smear Donald Trump with inflated and bogus charges in an effort to nullify the next election. All the while we have a corrupt President Biden that has been selling his influence to our nation’s enemies, namely Communist China! Patriots, get off your butts and get involved, it is imperative to save this Great Nation!


*title image copied from Dylan Mulvaney's Instagram

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