Lying Propagandists

If Obama was Pinocchio his nose would be as long as the Great Wall of China. Patriots don’t you just get sick of listening to the constant stream of falsehoods.

Obama just announced that the unemployment rate was down to 5.4% and is supposed to be the best unemployment rate in 7 years. Well if you want to skew the statistics all you have to do is not include the people who are discouraged and no longer looking for work.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics said the economy grew at a stagnant rate during the first quarter of 0.1%.Currently there are nearly 102 million working age Americans out of work. Although the way the Obama administration reports it the US unemployment has declined, because more people are opting out of the job market.

Currently 59.9% of working age Americans are employed. Meaning the real unemployment rate including the people not looking for work is 41.1%. A far cry from that bogus 5.4% number Obama has been bragging and beating his chest about.

“Michael Snyder, who contributes to The economic Collapse Blog, suggested that the United States “just define every American that is not working as “not in the labor force” and then we have 0.0% unemployment.”

The BLS also states that 20.0% of all American families did not have a single member working. Why don’t we add 15 million illegal aliens to the mix, can you spell US economic collapse. The lying propagandists keep telling us that everything is going swimmingly, and our economy is doing well, when we have the lowest labor participation since 1977.

Americans are you tired of your government lying and modifying data on a daily basis. We deserve government officials and politicians that have honor and will follow the Constitution as it was written. STAND UP AMERICA and don’t listen to the Lying Propagandists, do your research.


1 Comment

  1. Frank DeLucca

    I agree that the 5.4% is not correct, but your numbers to not add up either. According to the census bureau at the end of 2014 there are 317 million people in the US, Of those 317 million, 78 million are under 18 years of age, 45 million are over 65 years old leaving only 194 million people that are what we consider main stream working age. Even if you figured that every one of them were able to work, and we do know that some people are truly unable to work, but if they all were, here is the actual numbers. There are currently 148 million people employed. If all 194 million were able to work then that means 46 million people not employed that could be working. That is only 24% of the working age that is unemployed. That is much worse than 5.4% but it also is not 41%. I personally don’t believe it is 24% either, since I know there are several million people that have disabilities that make it impossible for them to work.


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