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Greetings fellow American Patriots, it appears our feckless so-called American El Presidente’, AKA Traitor Joe has lit the fuse for a possible World-wide calamity of epic proportions! Unless you are hiding under a rock with your fingers in your ears and your eyes are sewn shut, you know what I am writing about! None other than the unprovoked invasion of our number ally in the Middle East, Israel! On Saturday October 7th,2023, to borrow a term from history, “A Date That Will Live in Infamy”! A state sponsored terrorist group, Hamas, invaded Israel in the early morning hours on a weekend with a multipronged attack on this small country and killed mostly civilians, some 1275 Israeli citizens to include over 200 Israeli troops were basically slaughtered in these attacks! Consider, Hamas is sponsored by the Iranian government!

Who exactly is at fault for this senseless attack on Israel, to put it bluntly, our Democratic administration headed by Taliban Joe is directly responsible for these atrocities. How is he at fault you may ask, well our worthless cowardly President Joe Biden essentially financed the state sponsored attacks on Israel by giving a terrorist state at least 6 billion dollars to one of America’s biggest enemies, Iran! If Trump would have been in charge none of these impending wars would have occurred! The war in Ukraine, the impending war in the Middle East and the upcoming war with China, over Taiwan, never would have developed! Metaphorically speaking, we learned as children, if you don’t show strength to your enemies (i.e. bullies), you are going to have to fight them sooner rather than later.  All of our greatest Presidents in history have proven this fact, specifically in contemporary history, Presidents Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump have shown that with their policies of Peace through Strength! Presidents Obama and Biden have shown with their policies of weakness and capitulation will bring the United States into a war every single time. Historically, we as a people should have learned this from the last World War, the Prime Minister of England during World War 2, Neville Chamberlain, capitulated to Germany, specifically Adolph Hitler and brought the world into a World-wide War! Weak leaders like Chamberlain and Joe Biden will always bring us into a war because our enemies don’t respect them nor do they fear them!

If we as American Patriots don’t vote these American Hating Democrats out of office in this next election, I fear we will be in the very same boat the world was in the beginning of World War 2! You know I coined the phrase, “I don’t mind you (the Democrats) shooting holes in your boat, but ya’ll are shooting holes in our collective boat”, metaphorically speaking and we will sink along with these idiots! Patriots we must as a collective fight these America haters with every fiber of our being and kick them out of power before it is too late! Patriots, band together and sponsor true American Patriots for office both locally and nationally and reclaim the Greatness of this American Nation!


P.S.1. Please help our brethren in Israel with your financial support and your prayers to facilitate the destruction of these terrorist groups that have attacked Israel!

P.S.2. If we don’t stop the influx of terrorists flooding through our southern border, we are going to be in the same fix Israel is in, as we speak! A great proportion of the illegals that are pouring over our borders are indeed terrorists and “Traitor Joe Biden” is directly responsible! WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!!!

P.S.3. Our enemies watched the worst withdrawal (Afghanistan) in world history by our incompetent, corrupt leader “Traitor Joe”, this ridiculous act prompted our enemies to instigate their terrorist attacks and wars all across the world!

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