Happy New Year, fellow Patriots, I hope all of you have had a pleasant holiday, but alas we have to get back to current events around the nation and around the world that affect our great Nation!  Well currently Iran has come up in the news with their anti-government riots where thousands of protesters around the country are throwing a Royal Hissy fit to say the least. There have been a purported 22 people that have died and some 450 rioters arrested. The anti-government riots began last Thursday, December 28, 2017.

Well, the Iranians are acting just like our stupid liberals, every time they screw things up they always accuse the opposing side of causing the problem, Iran is no different. The supposed reason why there is rioting in Iran is because the Trump regime instigated it. Is that the most ridiculous thing you have ever heard? They are certainly taking lessons from our scum-bag liberals on how to shift blame, I have to say the dummycrats are masters of this tactic!! They have actually convinced most African-Americans that the Republicans started the Ku-Klux Klan and they, the Democrats, actually emancipated the slaves during the civil war. Nothing could be further from the truth. See “The Big Lie” by Dinesh D’Souza (I have sourced him many times in my articles).  Anyway, similar tactics are being deployed in this case. An example is as follows; “Iranian diplomat charges US with inciting protests and said the Trump administration had ’flouted’ international law and the principles of the UN charter by supporting the unrest in a series of “absurd tweets”. ( Hey what better source could you obtain than Aljazeera. Com!!! Terrorist media elite?

The Iranians were protesting about economic and political grievances, the last time this happened was back in the reign of King Obama in 2009. Lest thou forget, fellow Patriot, that is when our good and faithful King Obama politely ignored the screams and wails of those peasant Iranians, because he cares not for such lowly ruffians. His true demeaner lies with the rulers and despots that command and control Iran, as he wished he had such control of the American public!! Obama, raised not a peep to the rioters plea for help, thus in sharp contrast the actions of the Trump administration, who wish the protesters well in their quest for human rights, jobs and economic development!

Trump threatens to kill the Iranian Nuclear deal (the unequivocal worst deal in the history of Mankind), that was brokered by the stupid traitorous Barack Hussein Obama. This horrible deal reinvigorated Iran , who was on the brink of complete collapse. Well King Obama, canceled sanctions on Iran, thus infusing 150 billion dollars into the world’s largest state supporters of terrorism, not only that but also paying some 4-500 million dollars in unmarked cash to Iran in the middle of the night in exchange for our prisoners, that in itself he should be tried for Treason. Hey, if that wasn’t enough he allowed self -inspection or no inspection of Iran’s Nuclear manufacturers. Tell me fellow Patriot, does this sound like a problem, and also does it sound familiar? I will give you a hint, our current problem, that started in the 1990’s, with another worthless and traitorous President, none other than Hillbilly Clinton, that allowed North Korea to obtain Nuclear capability, that is now haunting us. How long if President Trump allows this illicit Nuclear deal with Iran stand, before we have another Nuclear standoff in our hands? The answer my fellow Patriots is not very long, or months from now!!

So fellow Patriots, the moral of this story of Truth or Dare, don’t elect corrupt socialist/progressive scumbags like Obama or Clinton unless you or your children want to face a possible Nuclear War with some Radical Rotund Runt Dictator like Kim Jun Un or a maniacal religious zealot from Iran!!


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