Good day fellow Patriots, I first wanted to express Patriotic Kudos to the jury in the Rittenhouse case, they definitely showed some intestinal fortitude by not blinking while the communist media and radical mobs were trying to coerce a guilty verdict in spite of overwhelming evidence that showed beyond a reasonable doubt that Kyle Rittenhouse was innocent of all charges! Fortunately, they had video evidence of his right to self-defense, otherwise they would have probably found him guilty! Patriots take that as a lesson if we are involved in any type of social disruption, we must have videos to back up our attempts in defending ourselves. I hope Kyle sues the living Hell out of all of the communist news sources such as CNN (Communist News Network), NBC (Nothing but Communists), and CBS (Communist, Bolsheviks and Socialists)! I hope Kyle Rittenhouse sues these pukes into bankruptcy!

Back to the theme of this blog in which the Demon Crats (my term Demon Rats) have essentially defunded the local police in every Democratically controlled metropolis! Now the criminals have taken over the streets by committing crimes with absolutely no repercussions for their crimes, even if they are arrested, they are let out immediately and even if they stand trial, they are let out without any punishment. Look at Californication, where the criminals rob and pillage stores (smash and grab) and are not punished for their wrongdoing. These ridiculous policies have shut down a lot of stores in these liberal cities! Essentially the communist Demon Rats have given the keys to the insane asylum to the criminals and the streets are lawless jungles! We are truly living in a Idiocracy with the Demon Rats in control of our government, with the number one village idiot (AKA Slo-Mo Joe Biden, creepy stupid uncle Joe, Stuperman and a host of other names) to control our federal government, are You Bleeping Kidding me or what!

How did these idiots get voted into office, well I can tell you they cheated their asses off that is how, now we have to live with the consequences, all of you people that voted for these idiots should be ashamed of yourselves. Wait until a gallon of gasoline is 8 dollars a gallon. I saw that the so-called President, Slo-Mo Joe released 50 million barrels of oil out of the out of our emergency reserves which only lasts for 2 and a half days and he also convinced OPEC to release oil into our country to temporarily drive down the price of gasoline in the United States. Don’t worry this is only temporary and prices will go up soon! How about our supply chain, what a fricking mess there are still over one hundred ships that can’t unload out in the California ports, they are telling some of the ships to dock out some 40 miles off of the coast in an effort to act like they are solving the backlog of unloaded ships. I guarantee if President Trump was in charge, he would fix this problem immediately! Hell, I could fix it by sending these backlogged ships through the Panama Canal to Florida and having them off loaded at the Florida ports ran by a good Governor Ron DeSantis, BOOYAH, get you some of that, You communist pukes!

Patriots, how do you like the lack of respect the country has under the leadership of brain addled President. As of right now, we have the Russians threatening to invade Ukraine which is supposed to be protected by the United States. Just like under Obama all of our enemies have no respect for our country under their leadership. Patriots do you remember under Obama the Russians the Iranians and the Chinese all harassed our ships during his tenure, also do you remember when the Chinese made Obama exit Air Force One out of the back of the Plane! Now the Chinese are intending to take over Taiwan which is supposed to be under our protection, they would not do that if President Trump was still our President! Alas we have to put up with this American Paper Tiger until we can put the American Pit Bull back in the White House, Donaldus Maximus Trumpicus, BOOYAH, BOOM SHOCKA LOCKA!!!!

I hope with all of the domestic violence and the just filth that is accumulating in our larger cities even the Dummy-Crats are starting to” WOKE UP” and Smell the Communism, my catch phrase. Just how uninformed do you have to be to see what is going to happen in the near future! Borrowing from the Christmas Carol and Ebenezer Scrooge all you have to do is follow the ghost of Christmas Future to see the emotional turmoil, economic strife and pure human suffering that will result from the Demon Rats policies! If you can’t follow a paranormal ghost just look at modern day Russia, China (human slavery and genocide) Cuba or better yet modern -day Venezuela all under communist rule! You know the difference between our country and theirs is we build a wall to keep people out and they build walls to keep people in with the addition of machine guns! Even our uninformed Dummy Crats surely don’t want to live in abject poverty and ask permission to go outside, Hey I certainly don’t want to live like that! In the immortal words of Leonidas (King of Sparta, of 300 fame) and also our first national hero General George Washington, “I would rather die on my feet, than live on my knees”!

So, in conclusion fellow Patriot Brethren, the complete lack of punishment or retribution for the crimes committed by these organized criminals (IE, ANTIFA BLM ETC.) that along with allowing these criminals to just walk will only make crime worse and eventually make the United States a Police State, exactly what the Demon Rats want!!! We as Patriots must use the (what is left of it) political system to defeat these Anti-American pukes at the Ballot box, so get up off of your butt and run for political positions such as Attorney General Secretary of State, Congressman or Senator and let us as President Donald Trump is famous for saying “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, AGAIN”, BOOYAH< BOOM SHOCKA LOCKA!!!


P.S.#1. Patriots have you seen the Jussie Smollet trial in which this spoiled rotten black actor set up a fabricated attack on himself to try and bring more racial strife in this country, this is what they do (Democrats) it is called “divide and conquer”! He is being charged with 6 felonies and can receive up to 3years in prison. My prediction is he will get 1 year or less probation! They always let these BLM and Antifa affiliates go. What a miscarriage of justice!! No wonder people don’t trust the judicial system it has been taken over by communists! I hope they prove me wrong!

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