Minutemen Patriots > BLOG > News > HYPOCRITIC OAFES
Good Day Patriots.
What is the biggest issue on the political agenda at present? Why YES boys and girls, you guessed it (besides RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA, that is), the bleeping OBAMASCARE and REPLACE FIASCO. A little history about medicine and what you may have heard of before THE HIPPOCRATIC OATH, which comes from the father of medicine, Hippocrates who made physicians swear an oath to “ABOVE ALL DO NO HARM”. We need to do the same with congress. Prior to passing a law, the number one rule should be to “ABOVE ALL DO NO HARM”, that should be required of our less than stellar legislators.
First of all who the H-E- double hockey sticks asked for a replacement plan anyway. WE THE PEOPLE of this great nation just want the socialistic/communist plan revoked and let the free market take back over, just like we had prior to Obama pushing his socialist agenda through during a Christmas break in the middle of the night with 100% Democrat votes. WE THE PEOPLE just want what this country was founded on and what made it the most successful nation in the history of the world with one theme CAPITOLISM AKA the free market.
Now our politicians in all of their infinite wisdom think we can repeal OBAMASCARE and replace it with a just a little bit less socialistic plan and WE THE PEOPLE aren’t supposed to notice because we are so stupid! Did they just put us in the same basket as the Dummycrats. I know they practice INTELLECTUAL ABSTINENCE but conservatives/libertarians and some republicans actually use their Grey Matter to facilitate conscious thought unlike the aforementioned marionettes!
Our brave individuals in the House and the Senate passed over 50-60 repeals of Obamascare when our beloved communist leader was in power, knowing he would never sign such legislation. Now that really shows some intestinal fortitude trying to pass a law when you know it doesn’t count. Now all they have to do is pass it and Trump will sign it. Now they just can’t get together because those previous votes were just smoke screens and there wasn’t any skin in the game! There are several infamous Senators (in my opinion) that refuse to sponsor or vote on anything that is not pure socialism. A few namely are as follows, Susan Collins from Maine, Lisa Murkowski from Alaska along with several others that claim to be republicans will not vote for repeal, but have voted in the past as well as spoke out on how bad Obamacare was in the past, but when the rubber meets the road, they show their true HYPOCRITIC tendencies and rather than extoling the HIPPOCRATIC OATH like a Doctor they behave like HYPOCRITIC OAFES and betray our founding principles that MADE THIS COUNTRY GREAT!