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Hold On-Eric Holder
Patriots! Anybody that keeps up with politics knows our infamous ex Attorney General Eric (dipstick) Holder.
I thought after this sell-out-American left office under nefarious conditions we wouldn’t have to hear his inane politically laced socialist rhetoric.
Well on Fox News April 6, 2016 I heard Mr. Stupid chime in on our democratic process of electing our new President. I couldn’t find the exact quote on line but you will get the gist of it. He stated that after observing the Wisconsin primary he said we are going to lose our democracy because we are asking for photo identification at polling sites. This guy is just Looney-Tunes, how does requiring a citizen to prove who he or she is… interfere with our Democracy? He just wants us to let illegal aliens have the right to vote so they can further their agenda. I tried to look up the exact quote and all I found was a Newsmax sight where Eric Holder wants to promote Felon Voting Rights. Do you believe the audacity of this idiot, he called it Felon Disenchantment (fancy term to let ex-prisoners have the right to vote). They want you to vote on this subject. I voted of course against it. Patriots should flood the website (Newsmax Eric Holder’s quotes) and vote against this travesty. Don’t let these scumbags sully and corrupt the Greatest Country on Earth by letting the Inmates have the chance to run the Asylum. Let’s review their rhetoric; Democrats want to give away everything to people who don’t work (just protest), they want illegal aliens to vote and they want convicted felons to vote, ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!!