Minutemen Patriots > BLOG > News > HAPPY 4TH OF JULY, PATRIOTS

Just like my shirts and trademark say: EVERYDAY IS INDEPENDENCE DAY!!! For all of you liberals/communists I might have to splain (sp. on purpose) that original expression to you, but to you Patriots it is self- explanatory. For the intellectually challenged in the audience, it means we as Patriotic Americans, we have to fight for our Freedoms everyday of every year because we have enemies both foreign and domestic in this country that wish to take our Freedoms away. I am talking about the lame brain media, our corrupted public indoctrination programs (AKA public schools), corrupt politicians (both dummycrat and RINOS), as well as corrupt judges and lawyers to name a few. I have mentioned a good portion of this rotten lot in some of my other blogs, be sure to read archival blogs, they are all short, easy to read and very informative. Read them and see for yourself!!
On July, 4th 1776, our forefathers convened a Continental Congress in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to declare our independence from England!! The war between the colonies and Great Britain was already a year old when the colonists convened to make it official. That is where the Declaration Of Independence was conceived and signed by some VERY BRAVE individuals!! Keep in mind the individuals that signed aforementioned document were literally putting their life on the line. If the Colonies lost they would certainly be executed. Ask yourself how many of you would put your name on the line when you have a rag-tag Army against the most formidable Army in the world at that time? Now that indeed took some intestinal fortitude to say the least! Patriots, ask yourself would you have that courage, or how about our current politicians? I will answer the latter in reference to the politicians. I absolutely think there are a few, but 98% of the ones serving today are scared of their own shadows.
Have a happy 4th of July(AKA Independence Day), just remember all of those individuals that sacrificed their lives so you could be FREE and remain FREE, but remember Patriots and Patriettes, FREEDOM ISN’T FREE and EVERYDAY IS INDEPENDENCE DAY!!!!