Greetings fellow Patriots, I hope y’all know of the subject of which I speak! I am of course speaking of Groundhog Day that keeps going through a continual loop. You as a Patriotic American wake up every morning thinking it was just a horrible nightmare we have been living through for the last year in basic purgatory! But I unfortunately have to inform you this nightmare is the Real McCoy (if you are not familiar with that saying it means the ‘Real Deal’). So, if you think somebody can just slap you and you will wake up to a better America, I am sorry to tell you it isn’t going to happen, at least not for 3 more excruciatingly painful years! Yes, you will wake up and find out it is truly Groundhog Day all over again, with the Village Corrupt Idiot running (ruining) the worthless and inept government!!! That doesn’t even count the group of inept, lying and corrupt band of Demon Rats that prop up “The Village Idiot”! Are you bleeping kidding me or what, how in the world did we end up in this situation? Well, if you have read any of my blogs you would know the answer to that question!!!

So, we as American Patriots, will have to make up every morning living in this nightmare Groundhog Day until we can turn the tide of political corruption so we can get our beloved Great country back! Patriots we must support only truly Patriotic Americans with political and monetary means and flush these Demon Rats down the political sewer where they truly belong! You know what is at stake, our very way of life because their intention is to sell us out to the Communist Chinese as well as the Communist Russians! Believe me when I say, we as Americans don’t want to live in a Communist state like their poor citizens have to endure daily! I know y’all and your descendants don’t want to wake up in America in a continuous state of “GROUNDHOG DAY” for the rest of your lives! I definitely and I will fight these corrupt sellouts with every fiber of my being, and I hope all true American Patriots will do the same! BOOM SHOCKA LOCKA!!!!


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