Great Wall of America

Guest blog from Ghost Writer:

I am a guest writer for the minutemen patriots, and I am writing this to touch on a subject that I am tired of hearing about: THE WALL. I plan on taking you down the paths of history so we can explore this issue together. We’ll talk about when they were established (according to history), where they are to be used, how they are used, and the importance of why they exist.

WallOfAmerica1According to the Ancient History Encyclopedia website: “The English word 'wall' is derived from the Latin, 'vallus' meaning 'a stake' or 'post' and designated the wood-stake and earth palisade which formed the outer edge of a fortification. The palisades were in use early on and are mentioned by Homer in the 8th century BCE and later by the Greek historian Polybius (c 200-118 BCE) and the Chinese historian Sima Qian (145-86 BCE) among others. Walls have traditionally been built for defense, privacy, and to protect the people of a certain region from the influence or perceived danger posed by outsiders.” - Joshua J. Mark

***sources sited below***

Well, will you look at that?! Americans, we’re not the first to come up with this idea of a wall. In fact, according to the website where I found this great little piece of information, the first wall is over 11,500 years old. They built it for, wait for it, DEFENSE. Alright! It also looks like other walls, take for instance the GREAT WALL, were used not only for defense, but to define the western border (“trigger warning” – the word border tends to lead to setting a lot of people off) of China.

So what we hear a lot of lately is “building a border wall is racist” or “you republicans are racist against Mexicans”. Excuse me, when did defining borders become a race issue? Is it because where the wall is being purposed is along the U.S. – Mexican border? Is that what makes it racist?

I say build a wall along the Canada border too! I mean, why should we allow those former Brits to come in speaking their King’s English or slurring their French accents to just travel freely into our country and running amuck? For some reason I don’t think people would call that racist. Maybe it is because they’re white. I don’t know. And according to The Washington Post in October of 2015, the Canadians want to build a wall to keep Americans out ( Now the story seems a little bit of a faux article, but it may have some merit. If they’re all for it, so am I. Hell, it will save America a little money as well. We build a southern border; Canada pays to build the northern border. It sounds like we’ll just put another one in the win column for America. Back to back World War champs and still kicking everyone’s butts.

Back on track! The issue isn’t a racial issue. It’s an ILLEGAL issue. No one should have the right to travel to any country and live there without first going through the legal process for that particular country. I can’t just waltz into Mexico and start living on their government, or whatever they call their centralized governance. Not just because they don’t have the same social services we have in the U.S., but because they wouldn’t allow it.

Let me provide you with an example. According to The Guardian (, the Mexicans patrol their southern border with grisly brutality. How can they claim what we do is wrong, WHEN THEY DO WORSE THAN WHAT WE DO?! It’s appalling to know we are the only country who is hated for defending or defining our borders, but other countries can commit crimes to defend theirs.

Well, that’s all I have for now. I hope you enjoyed the article, and I look forward to writing more later.

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