Greetings fellow Patriots, you may be wondering what the above title refers to, well I will explain, you have heard of the song Kharma Chameleon by Boy George and The Culture Club! I will attempt to write a short song using the same tempo as the aforementioned song to describe Kamala Harris the so-called appointed candidate for President on the Democrat (Marxist) side of the aisle. If you have heard her speak, she speaks in word salads and can’t tell the truth about her policies because they are an absolute disaster for this country!  Go back on YouTube and watch her inane speeches from a few years back and you will see that she has flip-flopped on virtually every one of her policies in an attempt to deceive the American populace to vote her in and continue the same policies that are causing rampant inflation, uncontrollable crime in our streets, allowing illegal aliens to flood our country and sky-high energy prices to name a few!

Back to the song I promised you:

Use the Same Tempo as Kharma Chameleon:

Commie, Commie, Commie, Chameleon

You’ve got to go; you’ve got to go-o-o-o

You lie like a dog and can’t be truste—d

We have your videos and have you buste—d

Commie, Commie, Commie Chameleon

Every day is about survival

You are our enemy and our rival

We can’t afford our groceries or our gas-s-s

When it comes to voting for you, we will take a pas-s-s

Commie, Commie, Commie, Chameleon!!!!

Perhaps not the best song but it will suffice to get my point across, Kamala Harris and her running mate Tim (Tampon) Wyze are the most Left Wing (Communist) candidates in American history! Kamala Harris, voting record is more Marxist than even Senator Barry Sanders, and he is a registered Communist. The Democrats are using the same game plan as Traitor Joe Biden. They intend on hiding her from the public so she doesn’t have to answer any questions about her Left-Wing policies that would surely drive inflation through the roof, like for instance the so-called Inflation Reduction Act, of which she was the deciding vote! They spent some 1.7 trillion dollars right after Traitor Joe Biden got into office, thus fueling the fires of unprecedented inflation. You know from going to the restaurant and the grocery store that prices have gone up some 50% or more! How about going to the gas station and paying anywhere from 3-5 dollars for fuel, all a direct result of this bunch of idiots canceling pipelines and restricting fracking that would allow the United States to be energy independent! She now claims she doesn’t support banning fracking, that is a total lie. Kamala now says she will build a wall between the United States and Mexico and restrict illegal immigration, another total lie!! They want as many illegals flowing into our country as possible, they want to allow them to vote for the Democrats to keep their sorry asses in power and march in Total Control via a Communist Government!

I could go om and on regarding their policies, if you are paying attention at all it would be obvious what their intentions are! So, Patriots you must get all of your friends to vote even if they haven’t voted in their lives to defeat these unscrupulous deceivers from getting into office as they will surely destroy this Great Country!!!!     VOTE TRUMP!!!! SAVE THE COUNTRY!!!!! HOOAH!!


P.S.#1. Patriots did you see in Aurora Colorado, where illegal Venezuelan Cartel members threw out the residents of several apartment complexes. The police or Ice can’t respond because it is a sanctuary city, this is the crap you get with Marxist policies! If you want this crap to continue vote for Kamala Chameleon! Why do you think she is trying to hide her policies, because the American people don’t want a redo of the last 4 disastrous years!

*image used may be subject to copyright

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