Good day Fellow Patriots, unless you are living under a rock you have had to have heard of the Brave Canadian Truckers that have been standing up to the dictatorial powers of Justin Trudeau (Un-Justin True-Dough)!! These Communist pukes (Totalitarians) are just like our Dummy-Crats in our country, except we have the Constitution to protect us!! Of course, our Demon Rats are trying to ignore our Constitution, that is if we let them get away with it, I fully intend to fight them with every fiber in my being and I hope y’all as Fellow Patriots will stand with me in this Quest to keep our Country Free!!!!

Back to our Brave Canadian Truckers, the only demands they are asking for is to drop the Government Mandates to be vaccinated against their will, so they don’t have to lose their jobs and so they can make a living! I believe they want to drop the ridiculous mask mandates as well! Isn’t that totally ridiculous or what, how could these completely peaceful insurrectionists demand such an unreasonable request!! What a bunch of Hooligans these Truckers are, they want the right to decide their own health decisions! I thought the so-called Progressives said that we as individuals have the right to “CHOOSE” what we do with our own bodies, I guess it is somehow different if you want an abortion! I am sorry but this argument absolutely makes zero sense, and they know it but they feel they control the narrative and they can do what ever they like!

The Canadian Truckers, are definitely in the right and are pledging a completely peaceful demonstration, just like Martin Luther King did in our country in the 1960’s. So why does our Communist media portray the Canadian Truckers as White Supremacists! Well, the PRAVDA Media wishes to portray them as outlaws is because they want to control their population with an Iron Fist just like the Communist Russians and the Communist Chinese, if we let it get to that point a genocide will ensue1 Case in point what happened when students in China formed a rebellion against the Chinese Communists at TIANAMEN SQUARE, where the Communists called out the military in 1989! Well boys and girls do you do you know your history or has incident been erased from all the history books! I guarantee you if you ask 100 American 20-year-olds what happened in TIANAMEN SQUARE, they will have no clue! Here is another bit of history I guarantee none of them know, how many people were killed in the last century by Communist Governments! Are you ready for the answer Fellow Patriots? The answer is 200 million Communist Citizens died at the hands of their own governments! I f you don’t believe look it up yourself!!!!!!! That number does not include wars, this was pure Genocide by Communist Regimes! Look up the Killing Fields in Communist Cambodia with Pol Pot, also look up how many Ukrainians were starved to death by Communist Leader Joseph Stalin! How about Communist dictator Mao Zedong in China who killed the most people in the last century, and certainly not the last or the least German Dictator Adolph Hitler a National Socialist, hence the moniker “NAZI”, how many of his own people did he kill in concentration camps during WW2!!!!! Look it up, don’t let me influence you with my statistics!

So Fellow Patriots, please support our brethren in our neighboring Country of Canada, but be careful the Communists in our country as well as Canada are doxing every body who supports them!! That is the Modus Operandi that the Communists use to shut down even peaceful protests! Patriots Never Ever Give up on our Quest for a Free Country and support our Northern Neighbors in Canada! My suggestion to the Freedom Fighters in Canada is take your Trucks home before Un-Justin Trudeau calls out the military and starts killing people in the streets, that is his next step, take your victories and go home before this escalates, at present 6 provinces in Canada have repealed their Mandates! Not bad for a bunch of Freedom Loving Truckers!! BOOM SHOCKA LOCKA!!!


1, No wonder THE UKRAINIANS don’t want to be put back under Communist control, I wish we had President Trump, I guarantee this wouldn’t be happening!

2. As of the posting of this blog, Un-Justin Trudeau has sent in police to arrest and persecute the truckers and supporters, one incident breaking into an elderly couple’s camper and dragging them out because of their support of the Freedom Fighters (FOX NEWS). They have also been using Communist Chinese techniques seizing bank accounts and trying to financially ruin anybody that protests, How Do You Like These Socialist/Communists Now!!!  

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