Minutemen Patriots > BLOG > News > BUY A BRICK, BUILD A WALL
Patriots, are you tired of all of the STONEWALLING (pun intended) by the Democrats, Rinos and the Swamp creatures in Washington. Well as usual I have a common sense solution for building the border Schumer and Nancy (Nasty) Pelosi will always stand against anything or anybody that helps the United States! They will never agree to give the 25 billion dollars to fund the southern wall because they want open borders and the influx of illegal aliens into the country to bankrupt our welfare system and give them millions of loyal Democrat voters! What a bunch of power hungry scumbags they are, they will sell out their country so they can keep their worthless hides in power. Just like our now outspoken Republican Senator Lindsey Graham said during the Kavanaugh hearings, paraphrased “I hope ya’ll never get power” (speaking of the Democrats).
To my proposal of building the wall, if 25 million Patriots start a You Fund me page and contribute 1000 dollars apiece that would cover the cost of the wall and bypass our worthless congress! That 25 billion dollars would cover the cost of the wall and everyone that contributes could have a commemorative brick signifying their contribution to keeping our Great Country Great! BOOYAH! Each brick would have the name of the Patriot and date and put in cement in front of a section of wall to live in posterity for later generations to see that there were Americans willing to go above and beyond to help save this Nation from the same fate as the European Nations! Look at what unchecked immigration has done to the liberal/progressive European countries, you don’t have to be a Rocket scientist to figure it out but you have to have a modicum of common sense, which is a rare commodity with a large portion of our indoctrinated population!
So Patriots let’s get hold of Go Fund Me and start the Patriot Brick Program and build this WALL, and take the Bull by the horns and save this country!! BOOYAH!!! BOOM SHOCKA LOCKA