Greetings fellow patriots, I’m sure you have heard about the bankruptcy of the California bank that declared it’s insolvency last week. That bank was the 16th largest institution in the United States with assets of over 200 billion dollars. They are a WOKE bank that have been supporting Democrat causes for many years, one cause they supported among many others is a 73-million-dollar donation to BLM, of which their founders have used donations to buy themselves several multimillion-dollar houses in gated communities! As far as I know very little of that money has been used to help Black neighborhoods in this country, like most of these so-called charities are run by Leftists (Communists) and use their ill-gotten gains just to grow their own bank accounts under the façade of helping minority causes!

So, this bank became insolvent because of horrible management while supporting these Leftist causes, precisely the same thing California’s government is squandering their taxpayer’s funds and one of the largest state economies in the union into bankruptcy and losing a large portion of their taxpayer base out of California because of their Woke policies! They like a lot of the other Democrat run states are taxing American citizens and spending those funds on so-called bogus environmental causes and funding sanctuary cities and states to support illegal aliens now flooding into our country!

Now our beloved President Joe (Treasonous) Biden has declared that the United States government is going to guarantee all depositors in this bank would be made whole, by the backing of the Federal government! So, the American taxpayers are once again on the hook for poorly run Woke banks, just like he is using Federal money (the people’s money) to bail out the scum-bags that cannot pay back their student loans! The Democrats like always use our money to facilitate their evil agenda! So, President Biden has run up our National Debt up to 32 Trillion dollars, are you kidding me or what! Do you trust a government that blows through taxpayer dollars like there is an endless supply without any responsibility, how high can the National Debt go before our country becomes insolvent as well. With inflation going through the stratosphere, the worse since Jimmy Carter was President some 40 years ago! Ronald Reagan a Republican President got us out of that mess when he got into office! The best we as American Patriots can hope for is a fair election and get another Republican into office like Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis!

These Democrats and their Leftist policies are absolute poison to this Nation and must be stopped, Patriots we must get real conservative politicians into office before the Democrats run this ship onto ground and it can’t be salvaged! That fellow Patriots is their plan for the future of the United States!


P.S. #1. Did you see where Russia downed one of our 32-million-dollar drones over the Black Sea in international waters!  They dumped jet fuel on our drone two times in succession and purposely crashed it into the sea! That is what you get when you have a weak facsimile of a  President (A PAPER TIGER) that our enemies do not fear and is in the back pocket of the Communist Chinese! Tell me fellow Patriots do you think they would have done this if Donald Trump was our President?

P.S.#2. Patriots did you know we spend some 742 million dollars a year for a nursing home that has only one occupant, that nursing home is the White House! What a waste of taxpayer money!


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