2000 MULES

Greetings, fellow Patriots I am writing a blog to inform you about a movie that I have mentioned before but until last week I personally had not saw. That particular movie was as you might guess from the title was 2000 Mules by Dinesh D’Souza, I hope you have seen it and told all of your friends about it, to include your Liberal friends if you have any. They in particular need to see this movie and if they have even a small portion of usable brain this documentary will wake them up from their self-imposed, indoctrinated stupor! Anyway, if you have seen it, you know what I mean!

I am going to just go over the gist of the movie completely from memory, so if I don’t get it exactly right use your own judgement in evaluating the movie! Dinesh, has made several other documentary movies about Obama and Hitlery in the past as well as other subjects and the Obama administration put him in prison for his efforts on trumped up charges, have we seen this kind of behavior from the Demon Rats in the past, think Trump! Just look at the sham of a bunch of one-sided hearings on the January 6th Bull-Crap. Yeah. If they don’t have any evidence, they just make the Crap up!!!

Back to the movie, Dinesh basically forms a panel of conservative leaders and starts by showing them video footage of a lot of the election drop boxes that the Democrats financed and put up all over the place, supposedly in response to the Wuhan Flu outbreak, BOY, they got a lot of mileage out of that outbreak didn’t they!!! Patriots, I am sure ya’ll know who personally financed a lot of these drop boxes, none other than Facebook founder and slimy -Liberal Mark Zuckerberg! Nothing like using your wealth to influence the election, which is completely illegal, and he should be thrown in prison for his indiscretions and illegal vote coercion! Anyway, I get sidetracked, but he shows this panel these scum-bag voter Mules dumping numerous ballots at several drop boxes during the night! What is even better, these pukes wear gloves because of fingerprints (they were caught December 22nd in Arizona and prosecuted and everybody on December23rd were wearing gloves, seems like this means there is a centralized planning station doesn’t it) dump their ill-gotten ballots from a non-profit area that collect them and disperse them via these Mules! After the Mule drops off ballots, He or She (only pronouns I am going to use) dumps their gloves in a conveniently located trashcan and then takes photograph, so they can be paid!!

Dinesh and his team of investigators used algorithms as well as geo-tracking techniques (the same technique used against the January 6th protestors) to track using their cell phones to check the position of some 2000 Mules in key political states, overall, their was an estimated 54,000 Mules all across the United States! They tracked these 2000 Mules and found that each Mule would visit anywhere from 10-25 ballot boxes per night! So, using this technique they tracked these individuals including video evidence noting the blatant stealing of the 2020 election! This is absolute proof the Democrats stole the election! They used this technique as well as dumping 100s of thousands of votes across State lines. They also locked out poll watchers out of the counting of ballots in several key States, for example Georgia and Arizona.

So, Patriots, go to your computer and look up 2000 Mules by Dinesh D’Souza and order it so you can watch it and tell everybody you can find to watch it, so we can get our Country back. It is a little hard to find because the Democrats don’t want you to see the truth! It was in a few theaters but they restricted the distribution to only a few theaters to prevent the truth from getting out! Please tell fellow Patriots about this Movie!


P.S. Have a Happy 4th of July!!!! Let’s get our Freedom back!

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