Minutemen Patriots > BLOG > News > CARTOON CHARACTER: OBAMA

Patriots, you may have heard that ex El Presidente’ (the extinguished, the Everlasting Job-Stopper) Obama stated that President Trump was really just a Cartoon Character. I say somebody that lives in a glass shouldn’t be casting stones nor dispersions!! You know I have never picked on Obama about his looks and with ears that could act as satellite dishes. How can he pick on President Donald Trump? Well the liberals (regressives, communists, socialists, America haters, you pick the moniker) don’t have a problem bullying Republicans, conservatives, libertarians at every turn but they squeal like a stuck pig if you say anything about them!! Read recent blog “Bully in Wolves Clothing”.
“Obama repeatedly compared Trump to a Cartoon Character after the election.” (NY Daily Press). He also stated that he had the economy set up well for him (Trump),” (NY Daily Press). Well, the Audacity of this dope, now Obama is trying to get credit for the current booming economy (typical of liberals), they screw up the economy (do you remember this statement, “We will manage the decline or those manufacturing jobs are lost,” Obama and his regime used to say this all the time. Then when a conservative with some cohones comes in, gets rid of business killing regulations, improves trade with foreign countries, reduces taxes and turns the Juggernaut of the American economy loose. Then these low-life America haters try to take credit for the economy! Here is something else Obama said about Trump, “How is he going to improve employment or improve trade “Wave a Magic Wand”!! Well I guess Trump has gotten hold of that Magic Wand because the economy is booming and the unemployment rate for minorities and women is the lowest in more than 30 years! How about the fact that respect for America in the world is growing by leaps and bounds. Trump is going to meet with North Korea’s leaders and hopefully denuclearize the Korean peninsula, and certainly our relationship is much better; “You Know Peace Through Strength”. Strength, worked in grade school and it works in everyday life, ask any bully. You know the liberals say they want to stop the bullying, that is just a façade, they just use that for control and they want to supposedly stop the bullying, except when they are doing the bullying! This reminds me of the classic satire book about communism by George Orwell “Animal Farm”. In a nutshell, the animals took over the farm from the evil humans so they could be treated ‘Fair”(the communist, liberals say that all the time). Anyway, the animals took over “Animal Farm” and the favorite animal, the PIGS took charge and started ruling the animals with an Iron Fist. The animals started complaining and said according to animal law on the side of the barn stated “All Animals Are Created Equal”. The ruling pig stated it is so but some animals (Pigs) are just “MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS”!! Have we not just witnessed in our current news feeds, when Obama and his “Deep State” flunkies flaunt the law and break it at will with no repercussions, that is exactly the same philosophy as described above. That is the reason we have to help Trump fight these “Swamp Rats” before the communists can take over this great nation!!
Fortunately, we have a strong President that will not succumb to their constant bad press, horrible hateful asinine jokes and BULLYING, he fights back, like the Street-fighter that he is, BOOYAH!! The real Cartoon Character is our ex President and by far the worst President in American History, Thank God for the EX part of that description and currently we have a strong President to get us out of Obama’s horrible policies and regulations!!
P.S. A good example of Trump not backing down, when the Philadelphia Eagles decided to decline Trump’s invitation, or sending a token few people to meet the President, Trump didn’t miss a beat and answered the slight with cancelation and immediately scheduled a patriotic Tribute to the military, BOOM SHOCKA LOCKA!!!! How’s that for the Can’t Stand The NFL!!